Cards And Castles

cheats, codes, maps, saves, tips, patches, trainers, solutions, downloads

Cheat Codes:

* To win a match, you only need to destroy your opponent’s headquarter
However, the more towers you bring down, the more card points you will
earn at the end of the battl If you destroy a tower all the way, it
will become your However if the enemy destroys that tower during their
turn, it will become theirs agai
* During the later stages, make sure to add cards to your deck that will
draw cards at the end of a tur This is useful when your enemy still has
several warriors available in battle and you only have on
* When building your deck, mix in fighting unit Also consider units
that can do splash damage, such as Pyromancer It is important to
eliminate multiple enemies and building cards such as headquarters and
support buildings at the same tim

New card types:
During the first few scenario missions, you will have a pre-built dec
After those introduction quests are completed, you will unlock the Pirate
category card Note that each category of the chapters is named after
the card type you will unlock for winning all of that categor To build
your deck the best way, keep playing through the scenario
You are limited to using two factions per dec


Besides as rewards from matches, you can purchase new cards using C
CP is also gained by completing matches, but you can also earn them by
finishing quest

Each faction has a different specialization that should be utilize

Focused on brute strength, with high attack power, attack power buff cards,
and unit buff cards dealing with wind knockback and area attack

Holy warriors that fight with light on their sid They are defense-oriented
and also have numerous healing or regeneration spell card

Focuses on debuffs that weaken opponent unit They also include some
gold-related cards that help with gold incom

Feature deadly area of effect card Fire Whirl, Pillar of Flame, and Wall
of Fire are all useful area of attack spells that inflict good damag
The Pyromancer unit card’s basic attack does damage in a small area,
hitting all nearby enemie

Focused on surprise attacks that utilize the battlefield to their advantag
Cards such as Shadow Katana, Stance of the Swift Mantis, and Lunge increase
movement rat They also have access to unique effects, such as the Vanish
card which can return unit cards you have already played back into your han

These cards have no faction and are common unit They usually have no
special bonuses and can be used as fodder when you are out of faction cards
to fill your dec

Kody do gier

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