Lemmings 2 – The Tribes

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Lemmings 2 – The Tribes

Daniel Grimes, Submitted the following Information:
Email: daniel-grimes(at)

On the intro screen, click on all four corners of the
screen a few times, until you hear a lemming
shout \’let\’s go\’

As a result, you will not have to complete every level
on a section. You can skip to the last level, where you
only need to rescue one lemming.

Enter the Lemmings directory and edit the file
LEMMINGS.INI. Now go to the bottom of the file
and enter the line CHEAT=1. Start the game and
choose the OPTIONS menu to enable the cheat codes.

Sound Test:
At the main menu, click on the hole in
the botton left corner (on the tree.)

Word Bubbles:
At the main menu (map, load, play, etc.), click on the dot above
the 'i’ in Lemmings. This causes the lemmings to show word
bubbles when they speak.

Cheat Codes:
Use a text editor to edit the l2.ini file in the game directory.
Add the line Cheat = 1. Begin game play and use the Prefs
selection to access the cheat options.

Level select:
Click the following corners in order at the main menu:
top left, top right, bottom right, and bottom left.

Kody do gier

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