Ace of Spades

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Ace of Spades

Character gallery:
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding portrait
in the character gallery.

Adelie 2: Defeat Adelie in the second game, first round.
Adelie 3: Defeat Adelie in the second game, second round.
Adelie 4: Defeat Adelie in the second game, third round.
Adelie 5: Defeat Adelie in the second game, third round.

Belle 2: Defeat Mimi in the first game, first round.
Belle 3: Defeat Mimi in the first game, second round.
Belle 4: Defeat Mimi in the first game, third round.
Belle 5: Defeat Mimi in the first game, third round.

Judy 2: Lose any round once.
Judy 3: Lose any round twice.
Judy 4: Lose any round thrice.
Judy 5: Lose any round thrice.

June 2: Defeat Adelie in the first game, first round.
June 3: Defeat Adelie in the first game, second round.
June 4: Defeat Adelie in the first game, third round.
June 5: Defeat Adelie in the first game, third round.

Lucy 2: Defeat Nacy in the second game, first round.
Lucy 3: Defeat Nacy in the second game, second round.
Lucy 4: Defeat Nacy in the second game, third round.
Lucy 5: Defeat Nacy in the second game, third round.

Mimi 2: Defeat Mimi in the first game, first round.
Mimi 3: Defeat Mimi in the first game, second round.
Mimi 4: Defeat Mimi in the first game, third round.
Mimi 5: Defeat Mimi in the first game, third round.

Rachel 2: Defeat Mimi in the second game, first round.
Rachel 3: Defeat Mimi in the second game, second round.
Rachel 4: Defeat Mimi in the second game, third round.
Rachel 5: Defeat Mimi in the second game, third round.

Kody do gier

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