Act of War – Direct Action

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Act of War – Direct Action

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: conner54

While playing, press {ENTER} then type any of the following
cheat codes. Press {ENTER} again to activate.

Code Result
fortknox – Add $1000 Cash
keyholemaster – Reveal Map
ineedalltechnos – All Tech
yeepeekaye – Nuclear Strike at Cursor
bigbrother – Unlock Camera Mode
motherrussia – Summon M80 Tank
coolihaveanewcar – Summon CIA Armored Van
coolimthepresident – Summon U.S. Predisent
swatatyourorders – Summon SWAT
ymca – Summon U.S. Cop
greenjelly – Summon U.K. Cop
bringoutthedead – Summon Ambulance
duckhunt – Summon a Flying Duck
blackhawkdown – Summon SA12 Anti-Aircraft Missile

Camera mode:
After enabling the bigbrother code, hold {Ctrl} + {Shift} and press
J to cycle through the different camera modes.

These are:

Mode 1: Controls the X, Y, and Z axis
Mode 2: Controls only the X and Y axis
Mode 3: Normal

To control the axis, you can use either the cursor keys, or the Left
Mouse Button + Mouse Wheel. If you go through all three modes then
hold {Ctrl} + {Shift} and press J again, you will start back at Mode
1, but without the values that you previously set.

Kody do gier

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