Ancient Domains Of Mystery

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Ancient Domains Of Mystery

Submitted by: RM

Keep character:
Save and quit the game. Find the save game file for your player,
named in format <character name>.svg in the savedg folder. Copy
it to the Windows Desktop and load the game. If done correctly,
you should have one copy of the save file on your desktop and one
in the savedg folder. The desktop copy is the backup and should
be copied to the savedg file after you die in order to continue
the game. Note: Update the backup copy often.

When you die, if you saved before, the game erases that save file
so you cannot restore it. When you save a game, go into adom_dat
folder then enter the saved games. Copy your save file to another
folder. When you die, the file in the original folder is destroyed,
but not the other one. Copy it back into the original folder and
continue from where you left off.

Duplicate items:
Go into the hamlet and drop the items you want to duplicate. Leave
the hamlet and exit the game. Look in the adom_dat folder and go
into the temp dat folder. There will be two files there. Copy
them to another folder then resume the game go back into the hamlet.
Once there, get your items and leave again. Copy the temp files back
into the original directory (answer Yes to overwrite all). Then,
go back into the hamlet and the items will be laying there again.
You can also transfer items to other characters by doing this.

Restore character:
When you die, if you saved before, the game erases that save file so
you cannot restore it. When you save a game, go into adom_dat folder
then enter the saved games. Copy your save file to another folder.
When you die, the file in the original folder is destroyed, but not
the other one. Copy it back into the original folder and continue
from where you left off.

Locate self when blind:
If you are blind, make sure that you have some sort of missile
equipped (if you have no missile weapon, you can just put anything
into the missile slot), and press 't’. Your space will be highlighted.

Kody do gier

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