Axis & Allies

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Axis & Allies

This is the game by Hasbro Interactive (1998).

Unlimited Lives:
Type neverdie at the main screen.

Extra IPCs:
Save the game during the Collect Income phase. Exit the game
and reload, and you will gain the income again. Repeat often to
accumulate a large amount of money.

Almost free units:
Click on Options after a game is started. Click Edit Units
to adjust prices, defense score, offense score, locations, movement,

CPU cheating:
When the CPU senses an overkill to a certain level, the message Max
History Log Full! will appear. You have to reboot the CPU to continue.

Unlimited credits:
Using the time machine to teleport back to the weapons development page
at the beginning of your turn can let you get another chance to roll the
dice. If you go back enough times, the unit meter might say that you have
0, 4, or 7 credits. This means you now have infinite credits.
Note: If it does not work after you go back nine or ten times, then it
most likely will not work that turn; try again during the next turn.

Free items and strong men:
When you begin a new game, go to the options screen and select Unit Edit.
Make anyone for any country as strong or as cheap as you want. The cost
will never go down lower than one. When you start the game, go for weapon
upgrades and hope for industrial technology. This will make everything one
IPC fewer, making everything free.

Powerful bomber:
Go to the weapons development screen and keep attempting to get new technology.
Keep trying until you get heavy bomber, jet power, and long range aircraft.
Then, buy a few bombers. You will obtain powerful bombers with eight movement
points. Also, if you have paratroopers enabled, they can carry two infantry.
The eight movement point bonus allows these planes to fly almost everywhere on
the map. Two at once infantry transport added with its range makes this plane
a perfect way to start an assault from anywhere, to anywhere. This is a time
consuming (and possibly IPC consuming) strategy, but worth the effort. To make
this less IPC consuming, start a game however desired. As soon as the game
begins, save it. Play a few rounds. If you think you are in good shape and
are getting the correct technologies, continue. If not, try again.

Free units:
* Allow your IPC (Industrial Production Certificate) supply to get over 250.
The game will sometimes give you free units. It will most commonly happen
when over 450, but still may happen at times if the total is between 251
and 449.

* Build so many units in the game until the IPC window freezes. The game
will give you free units the rest of the game.

* Go to Options then Edit Unit. Set all units to the price of one IPC
then start the game. In the weapons development screen, get the Industrial
Complex Development. Once you have it, everything is free, even if it says
that it costs one IPC.

To get to Chat screen, press enter

Fieldpromotion5000 – 5000 EXP
Rosieriveter – instant building production
VEday – Automaticly Win Mission
ISurrender – Automaticly Lose Mission
Swissbank – +100 $$
Enigma – no Fog of War

Kody do gier

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