Balls of Steel
Cheat Codes:
Press [Print Screen], then type one of the following
codes during game play on the indicated table to
activate the cheat function.
Effect Table Code
Toggle ball blocker (Any) grand canyon
Set to final ball (Any) last legs
Time increased (Any) morlock
Time reduced (Any) eloi
Points added (Any) pitchfork
Video modes ready (Any) couch potato
Powerball enabled (Any) warp core
Decision ready Darkside whodunnit
Kickbacks recharged Darkside bucket
2-ball ready Darkside evil twin
Extra ball lit Darkside freakshow
Super cannon ready Darkside nerf gun
Super pops lit Darkside popcorn
Crawler attack lit Darkside roach motel
Target practice ready Darksid t-minus 1
Bug hunt ready Darkside t-minus 2
Guard duty ready Darkside t-minus 3
Xenophobia ready Darkside t-minus 4
Meteor storm ready Darkside t-minus 5
Rescue ready Darkside t-minus 6
Showdown ready Darkside t-minus 7
Final assault ready Darkside t-minus 8
3-ball ready Darkside triplets
Mystery ready Duke Nukem whodunnit
Kickbacks recharged Duke Nukem bucket
Extra ball lit Duke Nukem freakshow
All keys Duke Nukem gatekeeper
Pickups Duke Nukem meat market
Come get some mode Duke Nukem t-minus 1
Let god sort’em out mode Duke Nukem t-minus 2
Nukem’ til they glow mode Duke Nukem t-minus 3
Blast’em into space mode Duke Nukem t-minus 4
Mail the King, Baby mode Duke Nukem t-minus 5
More glory mode Duke Nukem t-minus 6
Final Duke mode Duke Nukem t-minus 7
3-ball ready Duke Nukem triplets
Mystery lit Firestorm whodunnit
Kickbacks relit Firestorm bucket
2-ball ready Firestorm evil twin
Extra ball lit Firestorm freakshow
Car chase ready Firestorm road rage
Countdown Firestorm t-minus 1
Freeway chaos Firestorm t-minus 2
Bomb Scare Firestorm t-minus 3
Waterfront mode Firestorm t-minus 4
Airport mode Firestorm t-minus 5
Subway Alert Firestorm t-minus 6
Arson Attack Firestorm t-minus 7
Firestorm Firestorm t-minus 8
3-ball ready Firestorm triplets
Gift of the Gods Barbarian whodunnit
Death Savers lit Barbarian bucket
Extra ball lit Barbarian freakshow
Earth mode Barbarian dry
Air mode Barbarian cool
Fire mode Barbarian hot
Water mode Barbarian wet
Portal mode Barbarian yorick
Citadel ready Barbarian new york
Diamond mode Barbarian t-minus 1
Sapphire mode Barbarian t-minus 2
Ruby mode Barbarian t-minus 3
Opal mode Barbarian t-minus 4
Emerald mode Barbarian t-minus 5
Blade mode Barbarian t-minus 6
3-ball ready Barbarian triplets
Mystery award lit Mutation whodunnit
Kickbacks relit Mutation bucket
2-ball ready Mutation evil twin
Extra ball lit Mutation freakshow
Super pops lit Mutation popcorn
Toxic Spores lit Mutation toadstool
Red Alert lit Mutation t-minus 1
Atom smashing lit Mutation t-minus 2
Feed the Beasts lit Mutation t-minus 3
High Voltage lit Mutation t-minus 4
Radiation leak lit Mutation t-minus 5
Mutation lit Mutation t-minus 6
Outbreak lit Mutation t-minus 7
3-ball ready Mutation triplets
Warcraft reference:
Repeatedly press [Print Screen] to enable the cheat screen. The Genie
will make some Warcraft references. Note: Doing this too many times
will disable the cheat screen.
Cow Madness Mega Points:
Follow these instructions for each table and a picture of a cow will
appear on the scoreboard dotpanel:
Darkside – Bounce the ball between the slingshot bumpers a bunch of times.
Barbarian – Light the K in the K-E-Y targets, then shoot the Blade of Power.
Firestorm – Spell BOB with the BOMB targets (rotating the lights won’t work).
Duke Nukem – Knock the ball back down the elevator from the upper table.
Mutation – You’ve got to have both in-lane lights lit when you get the kickback.
Once you see the cow appear on the scoreboard dotpanel, quickly hit the HOME
key before the cow disappears to gain mega extra points.