Blade of Darkness

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Blade of Darkness

Submitted by: rickHH

Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a
backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor
to edit the file in the scripts folder. Add the
following lines at the end of the file to enable cheat mode:

import cheats

Then, press one of the following keys during game play.
Start the game, press [F1], enter one of the following codes,
then press [F1] again to activate the cheat function.

Result Key
Small sword – 1
Big sword – 2
Big shield – 3
Small shield – 4
Create lightsaber – G
Start lightsaber – K
Toggle invincibility – [F10]
Move camera left – [F5]
Move camera right – [F6]
Change MOV – P
Sleepy Hollow type gore – H
Mutational gore – M
Matrix type gore – X
Level skip – [F9]
Level up – [F8]

Cheat mode (alternate):
Enter one of the following codes.
Note: The game may need to be completed first before they
can be activated.

Result Code
Maximum HP and stamina – allmighty
All weapons – tothepoint
All items – itemsgalore
All keys for current level – doorsnomore
Level skip – levelend
Maximum level gain – levelheaded

Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup
copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the file in the config folder. Add the following line at
the end of key binding section, where is any available key:

Add the same line in the in the scripts folder.
Press the key that was bound during game play to toggle invincibility.

Edit character:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup
copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the
file in the stats folder. Any character stat can be edited.

The Archer:
Submitted by: Dj Simo

Even if you pick a character whose skill with a bow
is pretty weak, keep using until you become proficient.
It really pays off for enemies above and below you.

Submitted by: Ganjar Darmawan

1.since the startup video is rather boring to be seen from time to time,
you could change this video with any video you have, all you gotta do is
find the file main.mpg which is located in the data/video/englishus (path
could be different from yours) you know the character name are tukaram, sargon, zoe, and naglfar,
well i like to put my own name as tukaram and my girlfriend name as zoe,
if you like to do the same thing then all you gotta do is find the file whic is located in the data/text/englishus (path could be different)
and all you gotta do next is just edit the file using the good old notepad could edit your character through the file rather than doing
some long editing on the power and life values and enabling invulnerability
through key press which no longer work once the game is saved you could change
the damage perimeter from 0.00 to 1.00 and you will be a superman and immune
from any jeopardy, except from plunging from high places or immersed in lava,
that is a constant value not a changeable variable.
for any of you who thinks cheat is stink this is what i got to say, hey man this
is just a game, do anything that you can’t do in life in a game just don’t take
it seriously.

Submitted by: ravikanthreddyvinta
wanna full of blood…….. and power try this..

u can edit characters blood level and power for each stage in char. folder.
just keep a high value so that no body can kill u … even u didn’t harm them..
u can also decrease the blood levels of ur enimies in the same way.. this
does not sound interesting but good for new gamers who want to see the game..

Submitted by: Karan Th

Marakamda Level:
When u reach the graveyard area where u have to kill 6 to 8 skeletons,
there on left (nearby the lever) u will find two carved paintings on the wall,just
smash the one on left,thats it a secret room with power potion…

Another secret in this level is the closed door u get before the temple door,no body
knows how to open that door(obviously,bcoz the lever will be behind the door cool huh..)
U will get one full life potion and death sword behind the door…so how to get there..
Just Read below…
The Trick: Before arriving at that door just jump into the pit,which gets triggered
when u walk on it or pass by…That’s it Hurray…

Island of Karum:
In this level u will find a life potion and a bracelet behind a wall…
I don’t remember the exact area… But I know that u have to smash a discoloured wall
with lantern hanging on it…

Temple of Ianna:
Well,u will probably miss an extra power potion in this level which u will
get when u submit the second gem…in temple,there a passage in that room leading to a
power potion after geting that follow the straight path to exit(don’t go back..)

Hint: Look at every corner in this level bcoz it has many stuffs lying…

Tower of Dal Gurak:
Humm, to defeat Prince of Darkness..i.e Dal Dude don’t forget the ghost
medallion it is really a life saver (that u know how) u will get it while going down the
steps it is easy to find just keep your eyes open…

Q: There is an amulet(hidden behind the wall) in the Temple of AL Farum I don’t
I now how to use that????

Kody do gier

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