Bookworm Deluxe

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Bookworm Deluxe

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM

Special Codes:
Type code on main menu to play special animation. Type it again to turn it off.

Code Effect
winter – Snow falling (Holiday season)
seattle – Rain, coffee cup (Gneral purpose)
lovely – Circle of hearts (Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day)
gobble – Turkey feathers (Thanksgiving)
celebrate – Party favors (New Year’s, Independence Day, birthdays, misc.)

No new fire tiles:
When trying to eliminate fire tiles, try to spell words only using letters in
any one column (vertically). You can eliminate fire tiles and no new ones will

Tips and Tricks – Arena Tips:
* Save time by hitting the 1, 2, or 3 keys on the keyboard for potions.
* Save time by hitting the 4 or Enter key on the keyboard to attack;
clicking the Enter button below the grid takes too much time.
* When you’re spelling a word, try to find a word in the remaining tiles so
you’re ready to spell it as soon as possible.
* You don’t need to wait for Lex’s attack animation to finish before spelling
another word; get the jump on enemies by spelling your next word as Lex is
carrying out his attack.
* Don’t be afraid to use the Scramble button if you’re stuck for a word. It
only takes a few seconds so it’s less of a penalty than in Adventure mode,
and it absolutely beats staring at a letter grid with no ideas.
* Though you should try to experiment with treasures, defensive treasures
that resist stun, poison and power down are particularly effective in Arena

Secrets/ Easter Eggs:
The Tome of Knowledge (TOK) keeps track of the various secrets/easter eggs
you uncover:

* Click foes in Tome of Knowledge to make them flinch.
* Click foes in TOK continuously until they die.
* Click on foes’ attack lore entries in TOK to make them perform the attack.
* Same as #1 but for Arena mode stats screen
* Same as #2 but for Arena mode stats screen
* Click on Lex in Adventure or Arena mode to make him giggle.
* Click repeatedly on Lex in Adventure or Arena mode to make him sneeze.
* Click repeatedly on Lex in Adventure or Arena mode to make him burp.
* Spell Astropop in Adventure or Arena mode for a special surprise.

Kody do gier

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