Cinderella Escape 2 Revenge

cheats, codes, maps, saves, tips, patches, trainers, solutions, downloads

List of console commands used to debug & test parts of the game:
Written by NAN

Like the previous game in the Cinderella Escape! series, Revenge gives players
access to several commands which can be used to edit various settings on characters,
maps and gameplay.

To run the commands in this guide you will need to start your game and continue,
or start a new game, then press the „Accent Grave” key. This key is in different
places depending on the language of your keyboard but it is above the tab key on
an english keyboard.

Once the console has opened you will see a text box at the bottom of the screen
that you can type into

Note: While it can be fun to test things out, you might want to finish the game
before doing so. There are some warnings included in the console this time.

Warning: There are many commands made for developer-debug-only.
They may be harmful to your game or gamesave file. Use them at your own risk!!!
So if you plan on testing these commands out, it might be safest to start a new
game so your progress won’t be lost if the save file breaks.

-=Level State=-
resetplayer – Moves the player back to the spawn point.

Has a bug where the original character is not removed from the level so multiple
characters will be spawned.

resetbots – Does the same as resetplayer but to NPCs

Has the same bug
Usage: spawngroup [group_id] | This command spawns enemies by group id.

The [group_id] depends on the level, different levels have different enemy groups,
if you need some ememies to fight just pick numbers between 0 and 10

Accessory IDs:
Usage: addacc [id]

Equips an accessory (even if you haven’t bought it)

-=ID List=-
0 Hair band
1 Fish bone A
2 Fish bone B
3 Eye patch (left)
4 Eye path (right)
5 Wrist shackle (left)
6 Wrish shackle (right)
7 Glasses
8 Witch hat
9 Queen tiara A
10 Queen tiara B
11 Mage doll headset
12 Bunny ears
13 Police hat
14 Santa hat
15 Leather collar
16 Steel collar
17 Blindfold A
18 Blindfold B
19 Ball gag red A
20 Ball gag red B
21 Ball gag white A
22 Ball gag white B
23 Harness gag red A
24 Harness gag red B
25 Harness gag white A
26 Harness gag white B
27 Healer headband
28 Funny glasses A
29 Funny glasses B
30 Funny glasses C
31 Huntress mask

Other (R18 patch required)

100 Left nipple pearcing
101 Right nipple pearcing

listacc – Lists your currently equipped accessories

Usage: remacc [id]

Unequips an accessory (use listacc to find the [id] number)

Unequips all accessories

-=Game State=-
Usage: loadstage [stage_id]

Loads a stage. You can load into the beginning of a stage regardless of how far you have
progressed in the story. There are a lot of stages that can be loaded, here is a summary
of the valud numbers that can be used [stage_id] can be any of the following:

Boss Stages: Any number from 10506 to 10513

Challenge Stages: Any number from 10551 to 10600

-=Story Stages=-
Chapter 1
901 Intro Level
902 Tutorial Into
10101 Tutorial Level
903 Tutorial Outtro
101 Homebase 1
10102 Chapter 2
10103 Chapter 3
907 Chapter 4
908 Chapter 5
911 Chapter 6
913 Chapter 7
914 Chapter 8
915 Chapter 9
918 Chapter 10
920 Chapter 11
924 Chapter 12
927 Chapter 13
930 Chapter 14

-= Special Stages=-
10601 (requires R18 patch)

-=Player Character=-
Usage: at [0 ~ 2] | This command changes main player’s Arms Type.

Changes the character’s arm restraints
0 = None
1 = Shackles
2 = Ropes A
3 = Ropes B
4 = Pillory

Usage: bs [0 ~ 0.5] | This command changes main player’s Breast Size.

Sets the character’s breast size. The „small” size is 0, large size is .5
There is no actual limit to this number and it can be negative (-0.6 for DFC :^)

Usage: as [0 ~ 1] | This command changes main player’s Armor State.

Sets whether the character’s armor is broken.

0 = broken
1 = normal

Usage: setpc (cinderella/vanessa/snowwhite/eireen)

Sets the Player Character model. Doesn’t effect gameplay, options are cinderella,
vanessa, snowwhite or eireen

Usage: emotest [emo_index], where emo_index=0 to turn off emo layer.

Sets the character’s facial emotion

Options are:

0 Neutral
1 Smile
2 Laugh
3 Worried
4 Suffering
5 Disappointed
6 Surprised
7 Scared
8 Angry
9 XD
10 0_0
11 Consider

While in game Press tilde ~ (the key above TAB) to produce a console where
you can enter cheat codes.

Code Effect
gainexp – Gives you experience points. To see how many experience points
you need to level up, check your status at the mirror of your
home base. Usage: gainexp [exp]
showmethemoney – Gives you 1,000,000 gold
spfull – Fully charges your skill bars Cheatbook
god – God mode. You don’t take any damage but your armor will still
break and your skill bars will still charge
maininfo – Prints gurrent game state information including the current level,
game progress etc.
skiptut – Skips the fairy godmother’s tutorial on the first stage.
passstage – Instantly passes the current stage. Awards base EXP and Gold but
if you haven’t done any combos, K.O.s or picked up any coins you
won’t get any bonus.
skill – [index] depends on the character, certain characters can use certain
skills. Just try numbers starting from zero.
Usage: skill [index]

-=Developer Tools=-
While in game Press tilde ~ (the key above TAB) to produce a console where
you can enter cheat codes.

Code Effect
imptxt – Imports localisation text if you want to change the language of the game.
debug – Resets the camera position.
lockallach – Resets your Steam achievements.
testmb – Tests the game’s Message Box function.
just pops a message up that you can click OK on.
testsc – Tests the Stage Complete screen.. and gives you 1000076 EXP and 1175 gold.
testtg – Tests the game’s Timer Gauge which is used for certain levels.
exit – Closes the game.
clear – Clears the console.
help? – Shows a list of console commands.

100% Achievement Guide:
Written by Zeranixaimar

Story-related Achievements

These are self-explanatory and cannot be missed.

Instructions! Instructions! Instructions!
Finish the tutorial.

Once Upon a Time
Finish the first chapter.

The human MageDoll
Defeat Pinocchio in Story Mode.

And they lived happily ever after?
Finish the story mode on normal difficulty.

Grimoire of Knowledge
Watch the credits until the end.

Gold-related Achievements

You will need to buy around 60-70% of the items in each category to unlock these achievements.
Since outfits, lingerie and accessories can improve your performances in battle, it is
recommended to unlock outfits and lingerie first, then accessories, and hair sytles at last.
If you are short on gold, hard story stages 7 and 10 are good for farming, respectively
providing about 1000 and 1100 gold (there are two extra piles of gold coins on higher
ground in stage 10).

Let down your Hair
Unlock a certain amount of hair styles.

Long Live Underwear
Unlock a certain amount of lingerie.

A Princess’ Wardrobe
Unlock a certain amount of outfits.

I’m ready for everything!
Unlock a certain amount of accessories.

Enemy-count Achievements

For getting these achievements, you need to defeat 10000 enemies in total, which is of
course a large amount. By the time when you have finished the story modes in both
difficulties and all the challanges, it would count up to about 6000-7000. After that
you will have grind the rest in Defeat All Enemies stage in challange mode. Personally
I recommend the stage for LV.21-30, in which the enemies are female warrior with axes
and tend to engage you in melee combat, so that you can simply kill one group by a sliding
tackle. At level 50 with full upgrades, each run of 200 kills takes only about 80 seconds.

100 at One Blow
Defeat 100 enemies.

1000 at One Blow
Defeat 1000 enemies.

10000 at One Blow
Defeat 10000 enemies.

Stun-related Achievements

You will definitely need to stun boss enemies in order to defeat them. I got the 100th
stun when beating the last challange against Pinnochio.

The stun judgement in this game is quite loose and comfortable, and you can even release
and press the defense button again during enemy attacks for the stun to effect.

10 Years of Deep Sleep
Stun 10 enemies.

50 Years of Deep Sleep
Stun 50 enemies.

100 Years of Deep Sleep
Stun 100 enemies.

Combo-related Achievements

It is easier than it sounds. In challange Defeat All Enemies LV.41-50, you will face 20
high level enemies at the same time, and you can keep hitting enemy corpses without
breaking your combo.

100 Steps to Success
Get a 100-Kicks-Combo.

500 Steps to Success
Get a 500-Kicks-Combo.

1000 Steps to Success
Get a 1000-Kicks-Combo.

Challenge Achievements

Enjoy your imprisonment
Finish the story mode on hard difficulty.

You may need some grinding and farming at the beginning of hard mode. Personally,
I did it on stage 3 in hard difficulty.

Cinderella the Legendary Fighter
Finish all challenges.

I think the only difficult challenge is challange for Lv.50, where each encounter
includes 3 heavy soldiers and about 10 red-hair female axe wielders, and the last
encounter additionally includes Robot as a boss. I suggest you beat only one encounter
for filling up your special attack gauge, and then aiming directly for the last
encounter, passing by all the others. In the last fight, use one or more special
attacks at once to clear out all the enemies other than Robot and deal with him in a
solo combat.

Melting Snow
Defeat Snow White in Story Mode Chapter 12.

True Love’s Kiss
Defeat Robert in Story Mode.

It is highly recommended that you do these two battles in normal story mode after
your level and attack are capped, otherwise your damage may not be sufficient to
defeat Robert in time.

Kody do gier

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