Disciples 3 – Renaissance

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Disciples 3 – Renaissance

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Steam achievements:
Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding achievement.
To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select Community, then
My profile, then View all my games, then the game and view stats.

Achievement Description
Abstainer – Everyone knows that you are an Abstainer, because you are
absolutely against the use of potions.
Abuser – You are addicted to various potions. Some people laugh at you
behind your back.
Architect – The cities under the patronage of an Architect are flourishing.
Architects construct buildings of all types.
Archmage – The Archmage can destroy enemies by using the most powerful spells.
Brave – Brave heroes always rush into the heat of battle.
Builder – A Builder creates a well-rounded city. Builders are interested in
many types of buildings.
Careful – A Careful hero is prudent. He studies his options thoroughly.
Commander – The Commander is a great organizer, able to lead large armies
of followers.
Healer – You take excellent care of your followers. That’s why they call
you the Healer!
Invincible – The great Invincible hero loses only a few small battles, but
wins all others.
Leader – A true Leader is one who can unite several trusty heroes into
a strong team.
Merciless – You give no quarter to your enemies. You are Death incarnate.
Money-Bags – You are called Money-Bags behind your back. But you pay no
mind to envious losers.
Pacifist – Learned men call him a Pacifist, but they do not say what the
word means. In any case, he rarely draws his sword.
Pauper – An empty purse does not necessarily translate into failure.
Sometimes the war may be won by improvised means.
Rich Man – Your coffers are filled with gold. A wealthy state is a strong one.
Stonemason – Construction is not your favorite hobby. The amount of stone you
have is not enough to build even a small town.
Strategist – You try to only engage in battle on your terms. But you also take
a lot of pleasure from crushing your enemies.
Taster – A Taster knows a lot about potions. That is why he uses them in
every major battle.
Traveler – The Traveler is a hero who does not look into each nook and cranny,
searching for secrets and treasure.
Veteran – A decent Veteran wins as many battles as he loses.
Walker – Walkers go straight to their destination and never turn off the
road. They are not interested in exploration.
Wanderer – Real Wanderers explore all the roads and paths they find.
Warrior – The true Warrior destroys his enemies mercilessly and no obstacle
can stop him.
Wayfarer – Some heroes like to look for shortcuts and explore secret paths.
Wizard – Wizards know the power of magic well, which is why they use spells
quite often.

Disciples III: Renaissance is the third in the turn-based strategy
franchise in the the magical realm of the Sacred Lands. The player
takes on the role of the Lord of one of the fantastic races of
Nevendaar in their enduring struggle to establish the reign of their
respective god over the world. Advances in game play and the addition
of new elements make Disciples III richer and more interesting. The
visual design follows the ominous style of the Disciples world, but
now all of the game environments and individual units are in stunning
real-time 3D.

* Three playable races – The Empire, the Legions of the Damned and the
Elven Alliance. Each race has its own unique units and city design
* Cities, locations, units and other game assets are now represented
in full 3D
* Advances in the gameplay allow increased fluidity in multiplayer games
and less downtime when playing alone
* A new upgrade system allows the player to assign attributes to your
leaders. This RPG system employs inventories and new stats and abilities.
* Visual representation of character’s equipped armor, weapons and artifacts.

Kody do gier

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