Governor of Poker
Submitted by: RM
Tips for San Saba (the first town):
* It’s easier to play in the tournaments than play the pick up games because
all you need to do is come in third. When you don’t have the Big Blind or
Small Blind, you can fold without penalty. So unless you have a great hand,
don’t push your luck. Simply bide your time by folding and let the other
players duke it out. So just play cautiously enough to make it to the top 3
and then shift gears and try to bully chips out of the other players.
* If you’re low on money and you want to play the pick up game, don’t push
your luck too hard. You have to have over $200 to make any money. Once you
make in between $300-$400, leave the table unless you’re really on a roll.
* To beat Ron (san saba) Dixie, the best player in town, you have to be
aggressive. When I play this guy one-on-one, I rarely fold and almost always
raise, especially when I have the chip advantage.
Tips for Level 2 (the next three towns):
* You must buy all the buildings in all three towns to be able to play the guy
for the wagon.
* The tournaments here are considerably harder because you must come in the top
5 out of 16 players. If you try to use the same strategy as the first town of
just folding when you don’t have the small or big blind, you may not get far.
You have to play at least one hand usually while you don’t have the small or
big blind so you can keep up with the higher stakes.
Always Win:
Submitted by: Lenny T.
While playing the game, when the dealer is dealing the cards, type in the word
POKERTEN it doesn’t have to be capitalized. The code might not work the first
time, just keep typing it in. You know you got it when you have a K and an A of
clubs…just keep betting.
Unlimited money:
Submitted by: Jozsef Szadai
Start a cash game and after the first round, quit the game.
If your username is 'admin’ then go to directory: ..\Documents and Settings\admin\
Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\GVP00001\localhost
* There is a file there called: GovernorOfPoker.sol
Open this file with hexedit or other hexa editor and find your pokername, and then
find again, after the 3rd appearance of your name in the file you will see string
'chipAmount’ and then in the hex view values 00 and 40 change the two bytes after
the 40 to FF7F and save the game. You will have approx 127000 USD in the game and
if you win in the cash game, you will have that amount to buy everything.
You can also change the blind by finding blind in the file and change the number
next to the ’40’ value to hexa 32, this makes the bblind 8000 and sblind 4000 so
everyone must all in every time except you.
The chipamount can be made even 64 million USD is you change the values 40 FF 7F
(set earlier) to 41 80 6B
* Save the file to the same dir with same name and start the game.
Go for it:
Submitted by: adam
When a pickup comes, go for it you have at least a 70% chance of wining as long as
you do not bluf, these guys often call at an allin! so do not waste your money
bluffing. Stay in with the good cards or the BB.
Tip: Ron(San Sabra) Dixie is a bluffer.
Closing game and opening again:
Submitted by: Cha
When you lost a good hand.. after showing your cards and losing.. close quickly the game
and open it again. It will start on the beginning of this last hand.
Next day:
Submitted by: Xenia
If you keep losing in every game, just start a new day. When it’s over start again and again.
Do it as much times as you want. When you have allot of money buy the whole town and then get
a horse. Go to the map and then transport yourself to available cities.