Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R

cheats, codes, maps, saves, tips, patches, trainers, solutions, downloads

Cheat Codes:

Easy „Chikuwa and Dumbbell” achievement or trophy:
Play as EX Chip To do so, after unlocking his EX mode, highlight him, then
press [Start], [Down], followed any butto After your Overdrive gauge allows
you to perform an overdrive, activate his Air Shuriken Overdrive when you are
as close as possible to your opponen

Easy „Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind” achievement or trophy:
This is earned randomly, but you can to increase your chances by playing play
on the AC+ (Reloaded/Slash) London stage where the alien appears as a paintin
Select VS CPU/2P mode, and choose Axl or Milli

Easy „Perfectionist” achievement or trophy:
You must unlock all 154 items in the Galler This requires some time, and
requires the following tasks to be complete

* Complete Arcade mode with all twenty five character This can be done under
the Beginner difficulty setting with one round if desire You do not have to reach Order So
* Complete EX Arcade mode with all twenty five character
* Get a 100% completion on every character’s Story mod
* Complete Arcade mode with all twenty five characters in their EX versio
* Earn a „GGXX” rank in all thirty missions in Mission mod
* Complete all thirty missions in Mission mode with all character
* Complete Non-Classic Survival mod
* Exceed level 500 in Classic Survival mod

Easy „Travel the entire world on foot” achievement or trophy:
You must play on every stage, including the Slash and Reload varieties, in VS
CPU mod However, you do not actually have to complete a match on the stag
Start a match, then return to the „Character Select” screen to play the next
stag Note: To unlock all Slash and Reload versions of the stages; complete
all Story Mode paths for the majority of the character roste To choose the
Reload version, highlight a stage at the selection screen then hold [Respect]
until it turns yellow before selecting i
Each stage that must be completed are as follow

-=Default stages=-
May Ship

-=Reload stages=-
May Ship
Frasco (Slash only)
2172 (Slash only)
Grave (Slash only)
Heaven (Slash only)

Easy „Flame Distortion” achievement or trophy:
To face Order Sol in Arcade mode, you cannot lose any rounds, use a continue, and win at
least half of your rounds with an Overdrive finishe Consider executing all the Overdrive
finishers during the first half of your opponents, who are easier target You can also
set the game to one round matches if desire Additionally, when facing I-No, you can use
a continue with her, but you cannot lose a roun If you lose a round against her,
intentionally lose the next round, continue, then try to defeat her again – without losing
a roun You will still be allowed to progress to Order So When fighting Order Sol, he
will actually be Gold Order Sol, who is stronger, has more health, and heals automaticall
Also, when he enters Dragon Install mode, he may heal faster than you can damage hi You
may not be able to defeat him until he exits Dragon Install mod Note: You cannot continue
against Order So If you are about to lose, press [Start] controller two to interrupt the
fight, defeat the non-existent second player, then you can resume the Order Sol figh

Kody do gier

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