Hearts Of Iron 2 – Doomsday

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Hearts Of Iron 2 – Doomsday

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: conner54

Press [F12] to display the console window, then enter
one of the following codes.

Result Code
Toggle AI folds to all demands and suggestions – cceptall
Toggle total control – fullcontrol
Toggle show province ID – showid
Toggle show coordinates – showxy
Toggle hands off – handsoff
Toggle fog of war – nofog
No troop limits – nolimit
Toggle rebels defeated – norevolts
Toggle AI will not declare war – nowar
Toggle God mode – difrules
More men – manpower
More oil – oil
More money – money
More rare materials – rare
More metal – metal
More energy – energy
Nuclear bomb – nuke
Nuke enemy – nuke <enemy>
Toggle reform country – freedom
show opponent’s tech research – viewtech
More escorts – escorts
More transports – transports
More supplies – supplies
Get a dissent – dissent
Enable in-game event – event <number>

Use the following entries with the event code

Effect Number
994 – Policies +2 Open Society and either +3 National Dissent
or +5 National Dissent and +1 Democratic
995 – -2 National Dissent and policies +1 Closed Society
996 – +2 National Dissent and +15 Manpower
997 – -10 National Dissent
998 – -1 National Dissent and +25 Manpower
1000 – A research project has been sabotaged (progress delayed)
1001 – +5 National Dissent
1002 – Supplies +200% of Daily Max Income
1003 – +100 Manpower
1005 – -5 National Dissent and supplies +100% of Daily Max Income
1006 – +1% Industrial Efficiency and +1 National Dissent
1007 – +30 Manpower
1008 – Supplies -200% of Daily Max Income and +3 National Dissent
1009 – -3 National Dissent
1010 – One of your Industries is destroyed (-1 IC)
1012 – Get blueprints for current research 1012
1013 – +1% Industrial Efficiency
1014 – National Policies move 2 towards either Authoritarian or Democratic
1016 – National Policies move 1 towards either Political Left or Political Right

Too shy to nuke:
Ever seen the AI nuke you? Surely not. The AI is not able to build nuclear reactors,
a facility needed to build atomic bombs (or upgrade them to the needed level), so
it cannot get those weapons. However, if you start in 1945 (Doomsday scenario), the
AI will use nukes, since some countries begin play with reactors built. In fact, if
you’re playing the USSR, watch out, as the USA immediately after start nukes Moscow
and probably a second soviet city.

Nazi Germany: Keep Soviet Union at Bay:
You’ll probably realize that the only country that actually can screw your plans for
world domination is the Soviet Union (since 1/3 of the world’s territory is in Communist
Red). There’s an interesting little bug that prevents the Soviet Union from attacking
you when you aren’t looking by making use of the historical features in the game. When
you finally go to war with Poland, you’ll probably remember you had (or not) an agreement
with the Soviets to divide Polish territory. What you chose in this agreement does not
matter. What matters is when attacking Poland, refrain from occupying Warsaw, the
Polish capital city. This will trigger another historical event with the Soviets. You
can control all the provinces of Poland but DO NOT OCCUPY WARSAW and annex the country.
As long as Warsaw exists AND belongs to Poland, the Soviets will not attack you ever.
Meanwhile, you can focus on occupying everywhere else and build some defences along
the Soviet border.

Resource and Manpower:
Get loads of resources and manpower Back up the file you are going to alter, or you
get a free game-screwing!

Go to the directory /HOI2/db/events and in there you should find many text documents.
Locate the one file called RandomEvents and open it using Notepad or similar text
editor (note you need to save the file with the existing extension).
Search the bottom of the file and just add:

# Money, money, money
event = {
id = 1018
random = no
trigger = {
year = 9999
name = EVT_1015R_NAME
desc = EVT_1015R_DESC
picture = politician
style = 0

action_a = {
name = ACTIONNAME1017A
command = { type = vp value = 200 }
command = { type = supplies value = 99999999 }
command = { type = oilpool value = 99999999 }
command = { type = metalpool value = 99999999 }
command = { type = energypool value = 99999999 }
command = { type = rarematerialspool value = 99999999 }
command = { type = money value = 99999999 }
command = { type = manpowerpool value = 99999999 } }
action_b = { name = ACTIONNAME1017B
command = { type = vp value = 200 }
command = { type = supplies value = 99999999 }
command = { type = oilpool value = 99999999 }
command = { type = metalpool value = 99999999 }
command = { type = energypool value = 99999999 }
command = { type = rarematerialspool value = 99999999 }
command = { type = money value = 99999999 }
command = { type = manpowerpool value = 99999999 } } }

Save the file when you play HOI2 game type event 1018 (in your cheat window).
Then click yes/no to get a load of resources and manpower!

Unlock All Technologies:
You must save the 1936, 1939, 1941, and 1944 folders to use this hacking procedure.
You should have a back-up of the file(s) you are editing, or you will get game-

Choose which country you want to start in and the time period. Once you do, go to
the 'Scenario’ directory /HOI2/scenarios/ and find which time period you have
chosen. Look for your country’s file (most of the countries are truncated to three
letters) and open the file with Notepad or a similar text editor. Note you need to
save the file with the same extension) and locate the text string techapps = {

Underneath, you should find a couple of numbers (ranging from 1000

Kody do gier

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