Homeworld – Cataclysm

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Homeworld – Cataclysm

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: rick

* There’s usually no hurry to end many of the missions, even after you’ve
accomplished all the objectives. Take the time to have your Workers collect
all the remaining resources, because you can use them in the next mission.
* Use time compression to speed the harvest.
* Fighters are crucial early in the game to defend against other fighters;
you can even take out smaller capital ships by swarming them with enough
* In the later part of the game, concentrate on building more powerful capital
ships, and use multigun frigates to protect them against enemy fighters.

* Use the sensor manager to give orders. You don’t need to drop into 3D mode
until the fireworks start. Then sit back and enjoy the show.

Cheat Code for Money:
Submitted by:Steve & Georgi

Start the game and save it at the start. Exit the game and find the savegame
directory. Use a Hex editor and look in the save game for the hex value D0 07.
I found this value at A2844. Change the 07 to FF and you now have over 65000
credits to with what you wish.

Ship Units:
Alter game files at your own risk and always make backups. You’ll need a HEX
editor for this hack.

– Save a new Game
– Open the save game file in a HEX editor
– Search for this string: D0 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 64 00 00 00 0E 00
– Hex 64 = 100 and Hex 0E =14
– This represents your: Total Ship Units/Ship Units used
– Change the 64 00 to B0 04
– You now have 1200 SU

Kody do gier

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