Kudos 2

cheats, codes, maps, saves, tips, patches, trainers, solutions, downloads

Kudos 2

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM

Go to your Kudos 2 files on your C:/ (or wherever its located) and click
on DATA file. From there click on the TEXT document Config. A word/
text document should come up, and you can input as many options as you like.

Change the numbers to your liking:

EX. GV_startingcash = 120.00
change the to whatever you want.
Save the file…and play the game!

Max Money:
Submitted by: Retro Plex

Relationship Glitch:
Submitted by: Laborer

Ok so its really simple. If you wanna keep your friends. Do an activity with them
every week. Subsequently everyday/night before you do your activity invite them
out to to do that same activity. They will all reject your offer. However when
they reject your offer their relationship bar will go higher. You can only do this
once per day like on weekends. Have fun.

Kody do gier

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