Lego Island Xtreme Stunts

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Lego Island Xtreme Stunts

Cheat Codes:
Press [Up] [Down] [Up] [Up] [Jump] [Pizza] [Jump] [Jump] [Down] [Up] [Down]
[Down] [Pizza] [Jump] [Pizza] [Pizza] [Up] [Down] [Up] [Up] [Jump] [Pizza]
[Jump] [Jump] [Down] [Up] [Down] [Down] [Pizza] [Jump] [Pizza] [Pizza]
during game play to enable cheat mode. The stars will explode over Pepperoni
to confirm correct code entry. The following codes may now be activated.

Level skip:
Press [Up] [Down] [Up] [Up] [Jump] [Pizza] [Jump] [Jump] [Left] [Right]
[Left] [Left] [Jump] [Pizza] [Jump] [Jump] during game play.

All mini-games:
Press [Up] [Down] [Up] [Up] [Jump] [Pizza] [Jump] [Jump] [Down] [Up]
[Down] [Down] [Right] [Left] [Right] [Right] during game play.
The Freeway Frenzy, Motorbike Mayhem, Wave Catcher, Air Chase and Ripcord
Rescue mini-games will be unlocked.

Display cheat menu:
Press [Up] [Down] [Up] [Up] [Left] [Right] [Left] [Left] [Down] [Up]
[Down] [Down] [Right] [Left] [Right] [Right] during game play.

Unlockable Final Brickmal:
Collect all the brickmal hearts. A message should appear. Go to the
construction site with a helecoptor, and get it! You got the Pheonix!
50 Bricks!

Pepper does Yoga:
OK go to the Radio Station (the building that says LEGO in red) and there
will be the DJ doing yoga mostly with Dr. Clickit. Go near them and Pepper
will start doing yoga with them!

Kody do gier

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