Marine Heavy Gunner

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Marine Heavy Gunner

Submitted by: RM

Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy
of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the user.ini
file in the groove games\marine heavy gunner\system directory.

Locate the lines with F1= and F2= and change them to:

Press [F1] during game play for God mode, and [F2] for unlimited

Cheat Mode:
Press the key above TAB (which is the tilde key) to open the
console. Now type in these codes. NOTE: to test the invincibility
code, shoot your team-mates (if you have friendly fire on), or toss a
grenade at your feet and stand on it.

Code Result
god – Invincibility
behindview – 1 = 3rd person view
ghost – No Clipping mode
fly – Flying mode
walk – disables ghost/fly

Kody do gier

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