Cheat Codes:
Find important people:
If you need to find a bank manager or someone who has important items, wait
a few minutes and the game will display that person in orange through wall
They should be taken hostage, for they sometimes count as civilians, and can
easily be foun
Special enemies:
There are numerous special enemies that can be quite a pai You can make
it easier to see them and take them out by using the shout-out command while
aiming at the Here are some of the enemies and what they d
-=Taser= –
Police who wear yellow stripe You will hear him charge the tazer before
firing at yo If shot, you will be unable to do anything but look around
while your character randomly fires at the Try to aim at them in this
stat If tazed for too long, you will go dow
-=Shield= –
Black officers who have riot shields in front of them and try to move u
They can be flanked easily and taken out from the side and bac Bullets
will not hurt them in the fron They are Very deadly when in a hallwa
-=Spec-Ops= –
Agents wearing green night-vision goggle They will handcuff you to the
floor if they get too clos It is recommended that you take them out
-=Bulldozer= –
Big bulky enemies covered in thick armo They do massive damage if they
get too close and require a lot of bullets to be brought dow All fire
should be focused on them the moment they are identifie Headshot will
-=Sniper= –
Although not a „Special Unit”, they are deadl Two shots will drain your
healt Either avoid them or take them ou
Assault waves:
Throughout the game, occasionally your contact will state „An assault is
coming in X second” Listen carefully to what he say It is a hint of
special units coming in and when the assault is soon to en Each wave
lasts for a about five minutes, depending on how many officers you take
dow If you need to complete a time consuming objective, such as making
sure the saws in Panic Room are going, camp somewhere near there so you
can hold out easier and get the job don
Note: Some missions have „escape” objectives, which means the wave will
never end until you either complete the mission or di You will know
when this happens depending on the mission and what the contact yell