Sega Swirl

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Sega Swirl

Cheat Codes:
Use this Cheat: in single game (practice) mode, get a big combo (20+ swirls)
going. Then delete (pick,click on) the big combo and while the swirls are
leaving (in mid air for fireworks) hit start and go to restart a new level,
pick it. You should start over with a new set of swirls and the amount of
points the combo was!

Puzzle Game Hints:
* Pick a color, and stick with it. That means, try to eliminate other colors,
but not the color you are focusing on.

* Try to create HUGE combos with the color you have chosen.

* When possible, try to make columns, since you get a Column Bonus for making

* Make large columns, since the larger the column, the more points you receive.

* Try to eliminate Singles EARLY on in the game.

* When trying to eliminate Singles, try to eliminate the ones that are blocking
the Swirls that could be linked to together to make big combos.

Kody do gier

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