Cheat Codes:
Steam Achievements:
Complete the following Tasks to earn the listed achievemen To view
your achievements and stats in Steam, select „Community”, then search
for the game hub that corresponds to [Shadowrun Chronicles Select
the „View Stats” drop down option, then choose the option for your
username’s achievement
Achievement How to unlock
Classic Enabler – Supply the janitor with beer during „Partycrashers
Finders Keepers – Loot everything from the evidence vault in „Little Help
Goody Two Shoes – Get all Knight Errant cops out alive in the „Breakout” ma
Humanitarian – Let Jane live after the final encounte
Mac Gyver – Defuse a bomb with only 1 turn left in „Bomb Scare
Overachiever – Kill every enemy in „Tunnel Rats
Respectful Step – Do not step into the Zen Garden in „Calling all Stations
Slot Machine! – Pull all levers in „Who let the Dogs out