Sky Target

cheats, codes, maps, saves, tips, patches, trainers, solutions, downloads

Cheat Codes:

X/F-49A White Sword fighter:
Successfully complete Ranking mode with at least a „3 star”
rank in all mission

Kody do gier

  • Duke Nukem ForeverDuke Nukem Forever
    Cheat Codes: ———— Successfully complete the game to unlock the following cheat options at the „Extras” menu: Duke …
  • Total Club Manager 2004Total Club Manager 2004
    Total Club Manager 2004 Gametip: ——– Submitted by: Mike Dodd I am not sure if you use cheats …
  • Led StormLed Storm
    Led Storm Unlimited lives: —————- Type david broadhurst followed by [Space][Space] and wants to cheat.
  • No Time To ExplainNo Time To Explain
    Cheat Codes: ———— Steam achievements: ——————- Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding achievemen To view your …
  • UEFA Euro 2008UEFA Euro 2008
    UEFA Euro 2008 Cheat Codes: ———— Submitted by: Hwl82 When you shoot penalty kicks series shot like that: …