Star Trek – Armada 2
Submitted by: nightraider
Press {ENTER} during game play, type one of the following codes,
then press {ENTER}.
Result Code
Increase ship AI – canofwhoopass
Additional Dilithium – showmethemoney
Boot list in multi-player mode – screwyouguysimgoinghome
Chat list in multi-player mode – phonehome
Mission skip – kobayashimaru
Lose mission – kobayashimaru_lost
Enter Gamma quadrant – imouttastepwithreality
Enemys science ships disappear – nomoreships
Faster ship production – youstopmecold
Faster crew production – avoidance
free ships and instant building:
Submitted by: Alan Guess
go into the folder you installed amarda 2 into then go to
folder odf and then go into ships you will see a lot of
files concerning ships data.
[back up all files you change first]
1. open a file with write or word, and go to line that
says dilithiam cost and change the number to 0,
do the same to build time and metal cost
2. do this to all the files you want to in the race you are
playing eg, fed/borg/…
then load the game and start building for free.
you can also do this to the stations.
Add Dilithium:
Hit {ENTER} to bring up the comm screen, then type
showmethemoney to add 2000 dilithium.
Cheat Method:
Open the RTS_CFG.H file. Go to the line under difficulty
settings and modify the line to says what you want.
// // DIFFICULTY SETTINGS // // Damage coefficients for
incoming damage for user in single player float
EASY_DAMAGE = 0.5; float HARD_DAMAGE = 2.0;
If you set it to 0 your ships will not be damaged.
However some nebulas still damage the ships if you
leave them in it to long.
NOTE: Always make a backup before editing files.
Increase Officers:
To increase the amount of officers just change the
following line in the RTS_CFG.h file for Armada II
from 600 to 999.
// the max value that officer capacity can be in a
single player game, and default in multiplayer game.
Submitted by: Oz2k
You can open the mission files in the bzn folder by
using the editor on the Armada II disk, right click
on any mission you want to edit and go to properties
and take off the read only tick and you can then
edit and save the missions in the game, for instance;
on the last mission with the Borg put starbases a fair
distance away and around the fluidic gate and you will
be able to build your base up with no problems at all.
Build a Fusion Cube:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup
copy of the file before proceeding. Set the byard2 file in the
\activision\star trek armada ii\odf\stations\byard2 folder as
archive. Use a text editor to edit the byard2 file.
Scroll down to the section:
buildItem0 = bfrigate
buildItem1 = bbattle1
buildItem2 = bspecial
buildItem3 = bbattle2
Underneath builditem3 put the lines
buildItem4 = bbattle3
builditem5 = bbattle4
In single player mode, you can not use it until the level Rifts,when you
build the Technology Node and research the Collective Hub. You can however
use it in Instant Action and Multi-player modes by doing the same thing
(constructing the Technology Node and researching the Collective Hub).
More officers:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of
the file before proceeding. Note: You may need to toggle off the Read Only
file attribute first. Use a text editor to edit the rts_cfg.h file in the
game directory. Change the value for the following line to 999 so it
// the max value that officer capacity can be in a single player game, and
default in multiplayer game. Int
Faster crew production:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the
file before proceeding. . Use a text editor to edit the fed.odf file in the
\armada2\odf\other directory. Locate the following section:
//number of crew added to the team per second per starbase
//also used as base for planetary civilian rate
crewAccumulationRate = 4.0
Change the value to 500 for very fast crew production.
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the
file before proceeding. Note: You may need to toggle off the Read Only file
attribute first. Use a text editor to edit the rts_cfg.h file in the game
directory. Change the values for the following lines to 0.0 so they resemble:
float EASY_DAMAGE = 0.0;
float HARD_DAMAGE = 0.0;
Begin game play under the easy or hard difficulty setting to have shields that
cannot be harmed by normal weapons.
Better transporters:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the
file before proceeding. Note: You may need to toggle off the Read Only file
attribute first. Use a text editor to edit the rts_cfg.h file in the game
directory. Change the value in the TRANSPORTER_MAX = 5 line to a higher number
to transport more people.
Better sensor arrays:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file
before proceeding. Note: You may need to toggle off the Read Only file attribute
first. Use a text editor to edit the fsensor.odf (for the Federation),
ksensor.odf (for the Klingons), or bsensor.odf (for The Borg) file in the
odf\stations folder in the game directory.
Change the value of the rangeScan = to 32000.0f.
Better resources:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file
before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the rts_cfg.h file in the game
directory. Note: You may need to toggle off the Read Only file attribute first.
Change the following settings under the // resource gathering parameters to
change the corresponding resource.
Edit the int cfgMaxDilithium value to change the maximum amount Dilithium that
can be mined.
Edit the int cfgMaxOfficers value to change the maximum amount of officers.
Edit the int cfgMaxCrew value to change the maximum number of crew members.
Edit the int cfgStartingDilithium to change the initial amount of Dilithium available.
Edit the int cfgStartingCrew to change the initial number of crew members.
All campaigns:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file
before proceeding. Note: You may need to toggle off the Read Only file attribute
first. Use a text editor to edit the art_cfg.h file in the game directory.
Change the 0 in the GIVE_ALL_MISSIONS line to 1.
Edit ship settings:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file
before proceeding. Look in the \star trek – armada 2\odf\ folder to find folders
named ship, weapons, station, and more. Select one and use a text editor to
change the values of the ships, bases, weapons, etc. For example, edit the battle.odf
file in the \star trek – armada 2\odf\ships folder to change the values of the
Sovereign Class ship (metal cost; number of officers; amount of time to build, etc.)
Lifelines mission:
In re-supplying the base at Alpha Theta VI with 1,500 Metal, 1,500 Dilithium and
1,500 Latinum, you can also build only one freighter to send it off with 500 units
of Metal, Dilithium, or Latinum. Once it has arrived and is unloading, keep a watch
on it. If it starts to reload at Alpha Theta VI with whatever goods it usually ships,
tell it to load metal. It will take the shipment at the station itself. Unload at the
same station and you will have given another 500 metal to Alpha Theta VI . Again,
after unloading and during loading normal trade goods, tell it to load metal. After
you have used the freighter to unload the metal at the station, you have successfully
re-supplied Alpha Theta VI with metal. Do the same for Dilithium and Latinum.
You have now completed the resupply assignment with only one ship, one trade station,
and in less time than sending ships from your station all the way back and forth to
the other trading station.
Faster transporters:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file
before proceeding. Note: You may need to toggle off the Read Only file attribute
first. Use a text editor to edit the rts_cfg.h file in the game directory. Change
the value in the float TRANSPORTER_DELAY entry to 0.0 (or 0.1).
Starbases in one:
With this trick, you may play in Instant Action (try the Gates map) or the Borg in
a single player game. First, build a Transwarp Gate using an Assembler (may be captured
or you are the Borg). Then, make sure you have built a Nexus, Starbase, etc. After
building it, use the Transwarp Conduit at the side of the selected station. Be careful
not to open it when a ring of a station appears because it will not work. Close it
after opening. Try selecting the Assembler or a Construction Ship and press [F1].
Notice there is a space on the side of the station. Repeat this, then a large space
will be there. Build a Nexus or Starbase on that particular area.
Note: This can be applied to any stations.