Sword of Sodan

cheats, codes, maps, saves, tips, patches, trainers, solutions, downloads

Sword of Sodan

Play the game, get a highscore, and kill yourself. For your name,
enter NANCY and hit return. Now when you play again you will
have unlimited lives!

Another untested method is to select your player, start the game,
and kill yourself off. Then play again with the same character,
and while the game loads keep hitting return. This should also give
you unlimited lives.

Create Magic Weapons:
FLAMING BRAND – A stronger version of the flaming brand can be
created by mixing the Orange Solarium and Red Vitalium potions.

SUPER ZAPPER – To magically zap your enemies instantly, mix
the Orange Solarium, Blue Hydroleum, and Lavender-gray Etherium potions.

Free Life:
You can gain a free life by mixing the Red Vitalium, Blue Hydroleum,
and Lavender-gray Etherium potions.

Magic Shield:
To create a magic shield that protects your character from enemy
attacks, mix the Blue Hydroleum and Lavender-gray Etherium potions.

Kody do gier

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