The Sims 2 – Holiday Edition

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The Sims 2 – Holiday Edition

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: BoneK

Press CTRL + SHIFT + C during game play to display the console window.
Enter one of the following codes. Note: Some codes may be case-sensitive:

Result Code
1,000 Simoleons – kaching
50,000 Simoleons – motherlode
Can invite more Sims to parties. – IntProp maxNumbOfVistingSims 8
Clear console window – clear
Expand or contract console window – expand
List all console codes – help -all
Move Sims and objects – moveobjects_ on
Remove censors – intprop censorgridsize 0

6 not 5 floors:
Normally when you are making your house you can only make 5 floors.
Well if you dont put a roof you can add an extera floor on!

Torture Room:
Ok to make yourself a torture room make a family and move them into a
city with lots of people in the town. Turn on the move all objects cheat
(by pressing holding Ctrl, Shift, C and typing moveobjects_on) then make
a second floor to your house without stairs or an elevator leading up to
it. Then when neighbors come to visit you pick them up and put them in
your torture room and dont put anything in there like a bed or toilet.
It is hilarious watching all of the people interact. Also order groceries
or a pizza or call the cops or firemen etc. to get more people in there.

Kody do gier

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