Cheat Codes:
Steam Achievements:
Complete the following Tasks to earn the listed achievemen To view
your achievements and stats in Steam, select „Community”, then search
for the game hub that corresponds to [Undead Overlord Select the
„View Stats” drop down option, then choose the option for your username’s
AchievementHow to unlock
For the Herd – Skewer 10 meatsacks with a zombie goa
People Killing People – Use a mind controlled meat-sack to kill another meat-sac
Send more cops – Survive the counter-assault on the police statio
Strike! – Take out 5 meat-sacks in a single Tank Zombie stomp attac
That was so in tents – Whoa, you beat the alpha 1 skirmish mission! Is that possible
When you gotta g – Find a quick bite to eat at a Port-a-Pott