War Of The Human Tanks – ALTeR

cheats, codes, maps, saves, tips, patches, trainers, solutions, downloads

Cheat Codes:

Easy „Foil Hats” achievement:
Have all the tanks in the party wear foil hats to get the „Foil Hats”
achievemen They will prolong the effects of scouting and interception
for a single round, but lower transmission spee

Easy „I Scream” achievement:
Successfully complete Cavern #73 to be able to develop and assemble the
Mirage tan Win a game using only the Mirage tank to get the „I Scream”

Easy „Lethal Cuteness” achievement:
Successfully complete Cavern #24 to unlock the Cat Ears command tan
Win a battle using only the Cat Ears tank to get the „Lethal Cuteness”

Easy „Shot The Albatross” achievement:
Using either the win or lose route, the final battle will always be against
Albatros The small, normal, or big version depends on how many tanks you
have killed before this ma The limits are under 150, 150 to 299, and over
300, respectivel Completing the storyline three times with the required
number of tank kills will give you all three versions of the Albatros

Kody do gier

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