Cheat Codes:
Zeno Clash god mode:
Create a file called „autoexecfg” inside the folder ZenoClashzenozoikcfg open
it with notepad and copy paste thi
sv_cheats „1”
con_enable „1”
bind „`” „toggleconsole”
Save the file and start the game during gameplay press tidle key „`” and type „god
Easter Eggs:
———– –
In Chapter 4: „Corwid Of The Free”, while you are in the cage during the second scene,
face the large monster, then look at the tree behind and to the left of yo Easter
Eggs should be visible under the tre
Malstrum Mansion:
Press [Up] [Down] [Up] [Up] [Left] [Right] [Left] [Down] [Down] at the main men
Achievements (Steam):
Complete each condition to get the allotted achievement
Achievement How to unlock
Almost Number One – Bring the Hunter down to 1 healthpoint in melee comba
Animal Cruelty – Kill 50% of the harmless animals in the gam
Body Launcher – Throw an enemy into anothe
Door Hater – Annoy the man behind the doo
Easter Egg – Find the secret easter eg
Flame Master – Capture 30 fireballs with the torc
Heavy Brawler – Defeat a heavy enemy without getting hi
Light the Path – Ignite all pyre
Metamoq’s pupil – Learn all advanced combat technique
Street Fighter – Beat the game without using weapons unless it is absolutely necessar
Target Practice – Shoot 21 Mucalosaurus Worshippers from the boa
Tower Champion 1 – Complete Tower Challenge Number
Tower Champion 2 – Complete Tower Challenge Number
Tower Champion 3 – Complete Tower Challenge Number
Tower Champion 4 – Complete Tower Challenge Number
Tower Champion 5 – Complete Tower Challenge Number
Untouchable Land – 50 deflect kick
Easy „Animal Cruelty” achievement:
During game play, you will encounter chickens running around as well as pigs in a pe
Kill them all to increment the counter for this achievemen Most of the time you will
need to do this in mid-battl You cannot earn this in one playthroug Restarting a
fight sequence and killing the targets repeatedly should also wor An easy location
to increment your counter is the initial dream sequence, where Metamoq instructs you
to first kick, then shoot chickens for practic Another location is the pig pen at
the end of Chapter