
cheats, codes, maps, saves, tips, patches, trainers, solutions, downloads


Cheat Codes:

How to stay aslee All you have to do it type //afk in the talk bo

Stay asleep:
Well people can doo it but i can’t yoo can stay asleep when yoo click bored it has
Zzz’s and then it goes off realli quick soo yoo can’t fall to sleep i realli want
to no pwees tell me how to do i

Shirt, Pant:
go win canp n dash 3 time

Unlockable How to unlock
shirt, pant, pet – Go win camp n dash 3 time

Double stuff:
Double click on spme thing then type cv and another 1 will appea

Unlocking your wardrobe:

To unlock your wardrobe, click on something that has a lock on and pess Ctrl and N
at the same tim Another one is, if you press f5 and it unlocks it! Or, if you want
to be good, then just get 2,000 achiviement

Rules of Zwinky:
No-one should be allowed to get boyfriends on Zwinky, so I suggest stay safe and
ignore anyone that tries to get with yo Make sure you dont give out any personal
information, such as your email or addres OR phone numbe I dont think that trying
to swear such as putting letters in swear words is very appropriat Please accept
the rules of Zwinky, but I think that there should be an easier way to get 2000

How to climb on walls:

Hold down the left mouse button on the place you want to go (a wall) then press
tab twice and then enter and you will go there, if that doesnt work, just press
tab once or three times or four times, it depends on the computer and the roo


If u like more games in zwinky u click on a game and wait until it loads then at
the top atleast at the very top like were the close minimize maximize button is

and below are old game

ZChat Secret Whisper:
There is a secret trick for private conversations on zchat which allows you to chat
with your favorite Zwinky in a way that only he/she can read what you write and no
one else would be able to see what you’re typin In order to do this you have to
click on the Maximize button in the zchat window and then click on the name of
person that you want to chat with, and start your conversatio

Cheat to unlocking pets, shirts and pants for Zwinkys:
You have to win Campus Dash 3 times to unlock these freebies for your wardrobe, then
you can have more fun dressing your Zwink

Life Preserver secret Password:
On the Zwinktopia page, if you click Life Preserver you will notice that you need a
password to enter i So here is the password! The password is: „zafety”


When you randumly want to fall asleep all you do is in your chat box you type //afk
and your person will fall asleep and stay untill you move or you talk to somebod


Hey i guess you wanna see an animal or an objecIn order to do this, you have open
your zwinky chat box (maximize it) and type //dog (to see a dog) and there more also
like //crown //cat or //boo


If have less than 2,000 zchievements, and you want yor entire wardrobe unlocked,
I have a cheat for yo Here’s the websit


Put this in the Adress bar on your internet browser and a website will come out!
Everything on that website will be unlocked, and your Zwinky will be on the scree
Feel free to dress it howver you would like i
NOTE: You must be logged on Zwinky


There is an easy way to get a lot of money on the game alphapets all you have to do

you play the game and type in the letters in the box then click 7 and type in the words
then click 6 and type in the words and so o

Hide your Zwinky:
If you would like to hide your Zwinky under your desktop, press Restore, then click
on your Zwinky’s foot and drag it dow Click the Tab twice and then press ente
This way your Zwinky will be under the deskto Now you can maximize the screen if
you would like to do s

This is how to mae your bubble say nothing:

Okay first you move the space bar over 2 or more times and click ente easy cheat huh!


When you are in the Omegaad in Zwinkitopia,click anywhere on the wall and press tab
twice and then ente You will notice that the picture of the flower will start to

How to make bubble say nothing:
—————————— –

Easy just go to speaking bar and type in a plus sign then ente


When your on zwinky go to the end zone and play the game keep on shufferling then wait
after that click on quit and you will get money even though u never played its an
awesome chea

Anagram master:
To earn cash, go to google and search anagram master, then downloa open the anagram
master when you play alphabet click on number of letters submit letters and you get
all possible word not every word will wor

Hint see pictures:

If you like to see pictures, beside the zchatbox,there are 2 buttons maximize and minimize
click maximize and then gets bigger to see pictures,you have to type on the chat box the
following://angel (if you want to see an angel)
,//puppy //bad //tele //smile //devil //rose //mail //money //ball //good //angry //sun

Hint free Items:

To get free items go to the safety room which is next to the shark fin on the map and
its in the red and white safety raft, click on i Then when youre inside click on the
tv screen inside the page then read the statements then do the test/quiIf you get
enough righ you get free items!


To fall asleep fast press //afk well u knoe th now to wake up without moving 1 bit
press //afb and u will wake up instantl


To unlock all ur things on zwinky the new version 200 hold down [Crtl] [Alt] and [F5] at
the same time and it should unlock every thin

Hint: Zwinky how to get lot’s of money:

If you want to get lot’s of money you have to the pizza game you keep playing till
you finish press cash in and when your in zwinky log out then log in the you see
more money and keep playing and logging out and in and if u want tips find my name
on zwinky sebrina99


uhh shorty wen u go on da web nd ur logged onto zwinky does ur zwinky person change 2
wat u changed on da web o nd every else misscasey deleted all da cheats nd i no 1 get
8 popcorns from zeeplex nd therow em at tiketlady dont belive da hoe who thought of da
(da one on utube)kkk my username is _stay_my_baby_ ty jt yall im on ace park rite na
nowww by

Hints – Change Skin:

It’s not actually a cheat code, but alot of people talk about a tan chea All you
do i When you are in your wardrobe, click on skin and instead of choosing on of
the big boxes just click on the little box next to your zwinky pictur You can
then change your zwinky’s skin color to any color you wan


Stupid ppl the code to unlock your wardrobe is actually alt and f5 and the cheat for
u to have an awesome tan is also alt and f5 but then if u dont like those clothes u
can get ur money bac for it even thou aint pay for it i was sooo happ

Have 10000 Zcard:

Go to Zwinchester and go into ShoeBuy buy two shoe without Zcar

Easy Zbucks:
All you have to do is play the game crib gear every da Instead of playing, press
all the shuffles and get point Then click QUIT to cash the points i You may not
get a lot but in will get you yo the 300 piont limit very quickl


If you want the pets in wardrobe and the electronics and other stuff to show up u have
to go to scenes then chose a scene and then also go to a thing in appearence where ur
zwinkie’s face will show up really close then mouse over it and it will move it wait
till its all the way to the right then save ur outfit the pets or electronics will
show u

How to get a date on zwinky:
First, if your a guy do this go to z avenue and buy the wild unkept hair and make it
bleach blonde then go to z’s gretings and get the duck tee and make it black then go
to the lair and buy the chain baggy pant and choose the coulor red for girls go to the
surf shop and buy the blow up ducky dino and buy the duck tee at z’s greetings and at
like dat buy rhinestoned jeans and then go to the park and say 123 4 me for boys and


Hi i have a hint for yo The hint is how to put you talk box in zwinky up to the top
of your scree First:move your curser to the talk box and move it till you see the 4
arrows come up and then you can move it up and dow


There is No Cheat For the ” Unlock you Wardrobe” I’ve tryed them all! I’ve found a way to
make it much easier to earn 2,000 Zchievement Studie One picticular game and keep playing
that game and soon you will know the answers off by heart! I Know the SAW Music Answers
and i got my 2,000 Zchievements really fast! Hope you get your Zchievements fast :)

Wardobe Unlocking:

If u want to unlock ur wardorbe on zwinky u have to click on an item u want then press
[F5] u hav to continue doin that for a couple of days then ur wardrobe will be fully

See objects:
Maximize the chat window, then enter one of the following commands to see
the corresponding objec

Object Command
Angel – //angel
Ball – //ball
Book – //book
Cat – //cat
Crown – //crown
Devil – //devil
Dog – //dog
Mail – //mail
Money – //money
Puppy – //puppy
Rose – //rose
Sun – //sun
Unknown – //bad
Unknown – //tele
Unknown – //smile
Unknown – //good
Unknown – //angry

Campus Dash: rewards:
* Win Campus Dash two times to get a new shirt and pant
* Win Campus Dash two times to get a new shirt, pants, and pe

Easy money:

* Keep playing the Pizza gam When you finish, select „Cash In When you are in
Zwinky, logout then login agai You will have more mone
* Play the game Crib Gear every da Instead of playing, press all the shuffles and get point Then, click „Quit” to cash the points i You may not get a lot, but it adds u
* Go to the End Zone and play the gam Keep shuffling then wai After that, click
on „Quit You will get money even though you have not actually playe

Unlock your clothes:

Most people say to kust press [F5] but when i tried that it let me try them on but not go
out in them! thats y its much better to keep playing campuss rush or alphabets or wateva
ur save game is until u reach 2000 zchievements!!!i now have my zchievments!!! :)

How to look hot as a new person:

Put on ponytail2 black hair hot pink hair band tan skin girl1 face black eyes no make-up
mad expression a hot pink t-shert stonewashed jeans color black and sneakers 4 boyz wea
short unkempt hair color black tan skin make ur face stud1 color black expression the last
emotion on the bottom border sweater colors black and hot green leather pants color black
leather shoes that r blacwell bye!im koolkatoxo on zwinkbye!

To make u look fabulous on ur first day:

Ok first go shopping buy alot of clothes that u think looks nice and cut then buy side
ponytail #2 in black at z avenu then open ur wardrobe and put the clothes on that chu
bought next go into apperence have a tan colour in ur skin then have the girl 1 eyes in
light blue or whit lastley make ur emotion angrey and u got a hot zwinkey (this is for
girls only

How to get emo flippy hair:

Well first The hair Im Talking about it the 55 z card hair that every little guy has on ther
But you need to have just one emo spikey hai But to get more colors press random, till you
find i Just get someone to buy you one color and form there you can get as many colors as
you nee :) BTW you may have to click random a lot of times, but its worth i :)
Also Im Acid_trippin if you need me on zwink Bye bYe! Hope you enjo

How to Become VERY cute on zwinky:

If you unlocked clothes then make this outfi

try on the STRAIGHT N’ LONG6 dark brown
then skin color ivory (which is the second skin color)
face:girl2 eyecolor:dark brown
makeup:no makeup (lips:dark pink)
scene:look for coastal scene
symbol: cutie pie
try on top: flower top
try on bottom: capri pants
shoe:ribbon pumps dark pink
necklace: heart choker
earring: pink hearts
bracelet:heart charm 2 (pink)
hat:bunny ears
misc:butterfly wings
food:ice cream
find a boy in the
neighborhood and
befriend him
and ask him for a

Have fun looking cute!

Zwinky fashion tips for unlocked girls!:

APEARANCE:hair,straight n long regular color,skin color,6th box,face,girl1 in white,
makeup,lips in dark pink eye liner in white and mascara in white,emotions,sa
WARDROBE:shirt,belted bandeau in dark purple and belt in blak,pants,hot pants2 in
blak,jacket,border vest in blak,shoes,lace up boots in dark purple and laces in blak,
hat,bunny ears,necklace,strand of pearls,hoisery,border socks in dark purple and blak,
gloves,gloves w/charm in blak,bags,saddle bag in blak,earings,silver hoop

How to look hott on zwinky:
————————– –

First if ur a girl pick as ur hair the „ponytail2” in bleach blonde „black head band”
then the eyes u pick are”girl1″in blue or brown”then no makeu Then go to shirts and
put on „polo shirt” in hot pink „for second color put black” then for pants put „short
pants”in black”second color in pink „for ur shoes put” leather sandels „in black both
colors”and to mention ur skin color should be the sixth on

If ur a guy put for ur hair „short unkempt5” in bleach blonde Then u go to face and
use „stud1″ in blue or green” then dont use a shirt but go to jackets and use „down
jacket” in black „then go to pants and use „cargo pants” and for shoes use „leather
boots in white „ur skin should be the sixth on
well thanx for reading, by


-Put on Wevy n long2 for hai
-Go to shirts get the skull top and change it to what ever color you lik
-Go to bottoms and put on the hot pants (your choice in color
-For shoes put onthe fur boots or lace up boots (make sure they are the same color as you
pants and shir
-Go to hoisery and put on the fishnet tights make sure they kind of look like your ski
-The belt is optional and you can get the grossgrain bel
-For necklaces either get a crown charm or diamond chai
-Then go to hats and put on the wool bere
-Last for the girls your bag is optional but if u want a bag use the saddle ba

-Put on long n’ straight hai
-For eyes put stud1 and keep the colo
-Put on a simple t-shirt (keep it white
-Put on a dawn vest and turn it blac
-Put on black wide jean
-Then put on black and white leather boot

How To Look Hot On Zwinky Girl:

– put the hair wavy n long 3 in dark brown
– put the eyes on girl 1 leave the color
– put the skin color on the sixth color
– put the makeup on and leave it as it is
– for the shirt put on the skull top and leave the color
– for the bottoms put on the ruffle minnie in purple
– then go to hoisery and put on the spiderweb leggings leave the color
– then for the shoes put on the fur boots 2 put the first color black and the second color purpl
have fun and go party !!

Hints Cheats Tips:

Hi my name is Kaitly A hint that i have on wwzwinkcom is if u want to look hot this
is what u have to look likbut the best part i u don’t have to have everything unlocked
make up:

-color-keep it as is dont change the color
pants:check pants
-color-keep it as is dont change the color
Thanks hope it helps u get romance look 4 my other cheats and please look 4 me im always looking 4
new friends and i have a lot of cheats that i can’t put them all up on here my name is
princesskatexxx (i know lame but hey i was only 9 iv grown sense then don’t worry im not 9)

Looking good on ZWINKY:

Ok everyone before me needs to get a lif That is not hot Everyone likes scene/emo no
SO here is my advice

* Be a cutie
* Messy Hair In All black
* Girl1 eyes color 33ffff
* Lips ff99ff
* Blush Same
* Everything else black
* The Shy Emotion
* Shirts Striped Tank Top 33ffff
* Bottoms Striped Pants yellow and black
* Shoes Furry Slippers
* CHeckered Scarf
* Lion ears color 1 ff33ff color 2 00ff99
* Costume-Masks Bat Mask Color 6600ff
* U need the dino innertube (surf shop)
* and the pail and bucket (surf shop)
* AND TADA! SCENE/EMO the hottest trend at your fingertips :]^

Newcomers outfit for a boyfriend:

Ok i have tried some of the outfits put by other people and i am going to show u on
Be a Hottie Girl
Put on Updo then choose ur hair colour u want
Same with 2 for skin colour
choose eyes 2 and change them to ANY colour
Choose a background and Symbol
then go to tops and choose button down
then go to dresses and choose leather dress
then go to hosiery and choose fishnets
then put on short boots ad turn the black and white
1Go to park and say 123 for me!
:) hope it helped :P

Up to date outfit on Zwinky:

BEST OUTFIT ON HERE!!! Follow these simple cute steps to be the best!!!

YOUR DONE!! DONE FORGET TO SAVE YOUR OUTFIT!! If you like this outfit want more fun ideas,

How To Be Cute In Boys – Japorms(Cool):

Hair – short unkempt3 – Peach Like Yellow
Facial Hair – goatee – Peach Like Yellow
Skin Color – The Third Skin Color
Face – stud3 – eyes color dark blue
Shirts – tuxedo2 – original color
bottoms – wide pants – black
shoes – sneakers2 – black and white
necklaces – dog tags
Hats – pimp hat – black

The Quiz In ZSI Safety Room:

Say nothing
Alert your parents and/or site administrators
Tell them you cant go

Then You Will Get Your Free Items

Cute outfit:

Okay first go to z avenue and get the hair „cute n straight” in the color 99660 Then for
a shirt get „polka dot top” from The LaiFor pants wear the „short pants” from your wardrobe
both colors 0000For face do „girl1” leave the colo For earrings use „silver hoops
For make-up do any colors you wan You’ll look goo

Fashion tips:

-=ok first u do=-
hair – long wavy hair (you get it at the daily keepsake) and if you dont have it go with wevy n long2 brow
face – girl2 color black
makeup – lips any clor of pink blush hot pink eye shadow white eye liner balck
skin – 6 icon
necklace – leather choker dark black
shirt – flower top both dark black
bottoms – mini skirt dark black
shoes – leather wedge first black then white
bag – canvas bag first black then white
head – thick headband white
i wish you best of luc

Fashion for female hottie:

hair – straight n long
skin color – 5th box
face – girl1 deep blue eyes
make – up-dark red lipstick, black mascara and eyeliner
emotions – angry
scene – jail
symbol – welcome
shirt – border sweater in dark blue and red
bottoms – jeans
shoes – sparkle pumps in pink
thats it have fun

The REAL Fashion Statement! GIRLS ONLY!:

Ok guys! If you need to use this tip, you are kind of a lose I mean, someone
who needs tips on how to be hot! But, oh well, here is a winner outfit!!!

Hair : Straight n’ Long (the last one) in Strawberry Re
Skin : The Third box
Face : Girl 1 in Green
Makeup : First, click no makeup, then do eyeliner, eyeshadow, and mascara in Whit
Emoticons: Sad (the blue one)
Scenes : Flowers (the second one) Make both colors the same
Custom Color 2 in your favorite color
Symbols: Your Angel

Shirts : Capsleeve Top in Hot Pink
Bottoms: Plaid Mini, both colors white
Jackets: Fur Jacket, white on white
Hosiery: Flower socks, socks in Hot pink, pom poms in white
Shoes : Lace Up Boots, In Hot pink and white, in any orde
Belts : Chain Belt
Necklace : Crystal Charms
Earrings : Silver Hoops
Bracelets : Wooden Bangle in Hot Pink
Hats : Polka Dot Band in White and Hot pink (that order)
Bags : Flower Bag in White
Miscellaneous: Mistletoe

Now, go out there and get yourself a hot guy!!!

How to get a second floor:

Just get a rectangle rug and make it big and it looks like a second floo


HATS : thick headband color 1: cc0000
belts: leather belt you cant change the color

so if you like it find me on zwinky my username is quantejab

The Awesome Hot Girl Outfit Unlocked Wardrobes Only:

make up-girl1 eyes
emotion-sad or angry
hair-straight n’ long
shirt-skull top or tube top hot pnk and black
hosiery-border leggings any color to match top i prefer pnk and black
shorts-hot pants white or black
earrings-silver hoops
skin color-6th one
shoes-lace up boots white laces pnk
gloves-knit gloves3 pnk and black
bag-trick or treat2 black and white
necklace-diamond chain
miscellaneous-evil bear black and white
hat-lion ears inside black
lips-hot pink
blush-black trust me looks gud
glasses-go out and buy hot pnk goggles

Fashion Tips:

To make your girl look hot heres what u need to d
Make your girls face the 3 face and make your eyes blu
Then make your skin color the 6 on
Then make your expresion angre
then if you have a zcard make your hair the flower updo in dark brow
if no zcard make our hair the side pony tail2
make your shirt the flower top in dark purple
make your pants white tight pants (skinny jeans)
make your shoes the cow skin flats
put on the pearls necklace
then put on the striped scarf and make the colors dark purple and white
wear a rose mine is black and white
then put on the bow headband
Have fun looking hot!!!!!!!

Fashion on zwinky!:

ok heres the fashion: theme: casual!
Hair: the daily keepstakes straight bob short, and if u dont have it, straight and long
6 in the color: ffff99
face: girl 1 in 33ccff
makeup: no makeup, then blush in pink, eyeshadow in color of your shirt, and eyeliner
and mascara in black
emotion: angry (the red 1)
shirt: tubetop 2 in hot pink (color ff0099)
jaket: none
pants: hotpants 2, dont change color
hoisery: border socks
color 1: ff0099
color 2: black
shoes: sneakers, both colors white
belt: butterfly belt, white
bag: saddle bag, white with black color 2

Yet another fashion tip:

This is a REAL fahion statemen The theme is party
Hair: straight hair in 663300
skin: ffcc99
face: girl 1
makeup: no makeup, then light pink blush, hot pink eyshadow and black mascara and eyeliner
emotion: happy (the orangey-pink one)
top: tube top 2 in color cc0000
pants: ruffle mini color 1 black color 2 white
hosiery: star leggings color 1: ffcc99 color 2: black
shoes: high heels in black
gloves: arm warmers in cc0000
bag: flower bag in black
~sexy Cutie goth~
Hair: side ponytail, dont change color
Skin: 2nd box
face:girl 5
makeup: lips and blush dark red, then the rest black
Expression: angry (the red 1)
scene: skeletons
symbol: Be afraid
Top: corset top color 1 black color 2 dark red
Bottoms: goth pants, dont change color
shoes: lace up boots, black
gloves: fencenet
hats: devil horns
necklace: if u have it, collar corset, if u dont, none
earrings:skull earrings, dont change color
misc: bat wings in grey
now go to a party in the 1st ome and a goth party in the 2nd one! TY and add me!

Change the Color of your ZCARD Hair For Free:
Note: This works only if you have the hai

Go to any Outfi
Click on Hair in Appearence and Choose any Hair with 2 COLOUR
Keep Clicking Suprise me Until you get the Hair STYLE on the zcard Hai
Finally Chang the Colors and the Oufit in any way you want!

Hot outfit:

Hot girl
Hair: Ponytail2 color:ffff99
Face:girl 1 eyecolor:3333ff
Make up: your kind
shirt: border tube top in blue and white
jacket: animal print jacket in blue and white
pants; jeannickers in white
shoes: furboots 2 in blue and white
belt: change belt 3
extras if u like them
scarf: stripedscarf2 in blue in white
hat: knit cap in whitw
pets doggie 2
electorinics_ cell phone 4
food – water
tulip blue

ZCARD Hottie:

HAIR:Braids-color cc9966 (tan)[BOO-TIQUE]
EYES:Girls1-color ccffff (light blue)
EXPRESSION:Sad (blue one)
MAKEUP:Eyes-color 000000 (black), Lips-color ffcccc (light pink),
Blush-color NONE
HAT:Bonnet-color ffffff (white)-OR – Oversized Bow-color ffffff (white)
JACKET:Fur Jacket-color(s) 1:ffcccc (light pink), 2:ffffff (white)
SHIRT:Ruffled Tankini Top-color ffcccc (light pink)[THE SURF SHOP]
BOTTOMS:Bikini Bottom-color ffcccc (light pink)
HOISERY:Skull Socks-color 717171 (dark grey)
SHOES:Skechers Keepsakes Postage [SHOEBUY]
MISCELLANEOUS:Umbrella-color(s) 1:ffcccc (light pink),
2:ffffff (white) [BOO-TIQUE]
BAGS:Canvas bag-color(s) 1:ffffff (white), 2:ffffff (white)
GLOVES:Gloves With Charm-color ffffff (white)
EARINGS:Silver hoops
SCARF:Plaid Scarf-color ffffff (white) [DAILY KEEPSAKES]
That’s it, hope you like it!

How to look pretty!!! (unlocked ) Girls:

Hair:Dorothy (Bootique)
Skin: 5th one
Face: 3rd color:limegreen
Makeup: Lips:maroon,Blush:None,Eyeshadow:Blue,Eyeliner:black,Mascara:Black
Emotions:Anger [Red]
Shirt:Dark blue Curtis is here [Like Dat]
Pants: Leopard Shorts color: Dark blue spots, white
Shoes:Plaid Boots [The Liar]
Earrings:Skull Dangles [The Liar]
Necklace: Silver coins [Z Avenue]
Have Fun Lookin Hot!

The REAL REAL fashion statement:

hey, here is an outfit that’s SOO hot right now (wardrobe gotta b unlocked)
Hair : straight and long (the last one) in color 663300
Face : Girl 1 in 996600 OR 996633 (nearly the same)
Top : lace camisole 2 color 1: cc3399 color 2: 3333ff
Jacket : border vest in f3f3f3
bottoms: border skirt color 1: 0e0e0e color 2: cc3399
hosiery: fishnet tights color 1: ffcc99 color 2: black
shoes : flat shoes (from the keepsakes) if u have it in cc3399 OR 3333ff if u don’t have it leather boots in 0e0e0e
hat : wool beret in 3333ff
bag : heart bag in 3333ff
misc : true love
makeup : lips red blush cc3399 eyeshadow 3333ff the rest black
emotion: shy (the last one, its pink)
scene : Hollywood
symbol : add me, girls rule, sexy OR your horoscope sign (LEO IS ADORABLE!)

How 2 dress like a PUNK!:

Heii there,
Im Katherine 'n I’ll show u how 2 dress like a pun THIS FASHION HINT IS 4 GURLS ONLII!


Uhmh, this is wat u’ll need:
Hair_Anything u lik
Face_Choose da 3rd face wit any color eyes u prefe
Make-up_Everything BLACK except da lips, choose re
Shirt_Choose da „off shoulder 2” 'n make it dark re
Pant_Find da „hot pants” on da last page 'n make it blac
Jacket_Look 4 da „border vest” 'n make it blac
Hosiery_Take da „border leggings” 'n first choose da color black then whit
Hat_Find da „fur cap” 'n first choose da color black then whit
Shoes_Go 2 Z-Avenue if u don’t alreadii have this ye Buy da „sandals w/bows” 'n make it whit
Sports Items_Put on da „fins” 'n it have 2 bii whit. If u don’t have this yet, go 2 The Surf Sho
Glasses_Go 2 The Surf Shop 'n get a pair of „diving mask” 'n make it black or white, ur choic
Miscellaneous_Go 2 The Castle 'n get a „sword left or sword right” ur choic Make it any color u
think match wit ur oufit da mos Put it o

Again, Im Katherin My zwinky user is k3th3rin3_g3t_sw3gg, ( this one i hadn’t got a zcard on
it yet ) katiexxxcutie, ( my sis but i use wit her permission of course 'n it have a zcard )
and superstar_667 'N now u got a cute punk outfi Hope u would win every fashion show u go
Buhhbi x]]

How to look great (Unlocked wardrobe):

This is my way to look gorgeous!(girls only)
1:Short and straight hair from zavanue (zcard)
sideponytail2 from zavanue (not zcard)
2:6th tile skin color
3:Face, girl1 eyecolor=black
lips; dark pink
blush; brown
eyeshadow; Black
eyeliner; black
mascara; black
5:Emotion, sad
6:Background, Subway
7:Symbol, gangsta
8:Top, Belted Bandeua (dark purple, black belt)
9:Pants,hot pants (black)
10:Shoes, Lace up boots (purple laces, black boot)
11:Necklace, Diamond Chain
12: braclets, three bangles
13: hats, lion ears (color purple)
If you where that you’ll get a bf in no time

Faceless Cheat!:
Ok, First make sure you have a purchased mask, Such as Elf ears, (it doesnt matter what mask
you use, and works on all body types) go to your purchases and put the masks on, then go to
the bit where you change your eyetype and the mask will show in a white box, click it and
the mask will go, finally go to you purchases and take the mask of


ok, I have over 210 zcard items, so I know alot about this stuff and I will give u three
outfits that are super sexy and the latest styles ;]
ok, 1st outfit
shirt: bikini top 2, both colours hot pink
bottoms: hot pants in light or dark grey your choice
shoes: *this is zcard* gold circles sandals
gloves: knit gloves 3, in light green
belt: *zcard* Snoop dogg belt
hat: Santa hat, all black
miscellanious: *zcard* Star tattoo
Mask: *from boo-tique* Boxer, any colours
Hair *zcard* It girl light brown, if you dont have that then wevy2 in light brown

this is the second outfit ;D
Shirt: tube top, all black
bottoms: splattered denim in colour 669999
shoes gold circle sandals
belt: dark star belt
Necklace: Green beads
Earrings: RW hoops
braclet: three bangles, green
Glasses: cyber googles, any colour
Hat: santa hat, all black
Miscellanious: Heart wand

3rd outfit ;D
shirt: Hajuku top, white and black
bottoms: hot pants, any light green
hosiery: Hajuku Socks
shoes: Jessica simpson fisper
earrings: Drop oval earrings
Hats: santa hat, black
Miscellanious: georgia pom poms
Sports Items: fins, dark grey
Hair: Wevy2, light brown

How to Have a Good look in zwinky:

Hello,this is a very good looIt’s for everyonIf you unlock your wardrobe try it out!
Female Cutie:
Hairs:Messy Color:Black outside,Inside Red
Skin Color:White
Eyes:Girl number5 color:red or white
Emotions:Sad(The last one and The pink one)
Symbols:Thanks for adding me!
Tops:Plaid Top Color:Red
Bottoms:Plaid Skirt Color:Red
Hosiery:Fishnet stockings Color:Red
Shoes:Platform Boots(The last one)
Gloves:Arm Warmers or Wrist Warmers Color:Red
Belts:Skull Belt
Scarfs:Skull Scarf Color:Red
Necklaces:Spiky Choker
Bracelets:Spiky Bracelets
Earrings:Skull Earrings
Bags:Pumkin Bucket or Pumpkin Bag
Hats:Skull Barette Color:Red

Outfit ideas:

Ok, so here ill give you a unlocked warderobe and a zcard outfit so. Ill start
with the unlocked warderobe outfi (Btw i will not take any scenes/signs/pets)

Face: Girl1 in dark brown/purple
Skin: The 6th colour (the 6th box)
Emoticons: Sad or angry, what u prefe
Makeup: -Lips: light pink or the skin colou -Mascara/Eyeliner/Eyeshadow:
Whit – Blush: none or dark re
Top: Skull top in all black or whatever, but it has to be in one colou
Bottom: Hotpants in original colour or in blac
Hosiery: Border leggings in black/white or in original colou
Shoes: Lace up boots in black and dirty light blu
Scarf(optional): Or colour
Belt(Optional): Grossgrain belt in or colou
Earrings: Spider web
Necklace: Diamond chain
Misc: Sparkler
Hat: Pirate hat in any colour u lik
Hair: Ponytail2 in dark brown (663300)

so there u go ;) A kinda emo inspired look i guess O_O s. ill start with the zcarded outfit :

Face: invisible face (ill give you the cheat for that one in the end)
Skin: Tan or the 6th bo
Shirt: Leopard top in a yellow brown colour, or Woven top *Daily Keepsake* in any colour u lik
Bottom: cute shorts *The surf shop(Zcarded)* or Boxed Shorts(Im not sure from what store it is
from but i think its from Rocawear) (For the Leopard top)
Shoes: Skecher Keepsakes Postag
Belts(For the Leopard Top): Shore Chic Bel *The Mix*
Necklaces: Pearl necklac
Misc: Snoop dogs or Star Tattoo *The Mix*
Hats:Headband in any colour u like, or Oversized bow(Daily Keepsake* in any colou
Hair:Cotton Candy Hair * The Mix* or Updo *The Articans* (or what i like to call it: Hairsalo*

So theres two kinda „nice” outfit


Faceless Cheat:

Ok so i found out that i had forgotten to make the faceless cheat, so ill do it no
Here i go :

Go to warderobe> Purchases> Masks/Hats> Take one on(dosnt matter who)> Go to faces>
Dont click a face> Click on to box where the hat/mask appears> Click on the mask/hat>
Click Save> Take away the hat/mask if you want t

So here you go ! Simple ;))

or if you want more stuff from me ;))

Goth outfit:

so first u have to go to t lair an get cut sleeve top black,

then get seveth color skin
then get girl 4(black eyes)
then brown lips
then black eyeshadow an eyeliner(etc)
then fur jacket all black
then black jean skirt
then black dressy sandals
then skull belt
then dimod chain
then 6 stone thingy
then black cat
then dragon wins2 all black
then skeeleton theme,
then the symbol BE AFRAI

Faceless Cheat (New Version):

1: First Go To Ur Wardrob
2: Then Create An Outfit, Or Click On A Saved On
3: Go 2 Apperance, Then Click On Fac
4: Click On Any Face, Then Click On The Face Again And There You Have No Face! Enjo

Beauty Tips:

Theese are some awsome beauty tips:


-Skin Colour: 4th Bo
-Hair: Straight n’ long3
-Face: Girl3
-Make up: None
-Emotions: 1st Box
-Tops: Waist shirt (University Club)
-Bottoms: None
-Socks:Tight jeans
-Shoes: Jewled heel
If u want 2 talk my name is Supermanga on zwink

Kody do gier

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