Dancing With The Stars

cheats, codes, maps, saves, tips, patches, trainers, solutions, downloads

Dancing With The Stars

Submitted by: RM

* Complete the game with Joey Macentyre and Ashley Delgrosso
under the Amateur difficulty setting.

* If you have Mario Lopez and his partner unlocked, complete the
game with Emmit Smith and Cheryl Burke to unlock Lisa Rinna and
Louis Vanamstel.

* Complete the game with Lisa Rinna and Louis Vanamstel.

High scores on dance routines:
To get high scores on dances, try hitting every step exactly
and try not to miss any of them.

Extra points for dances:
To get extra dance points, try hitting the bright yellow flair
steps when they hit the feet icons in the middle of the bottom of
the screen.

Kody do gier

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