Invisible, In

cheats, codes, maps, saves, tips, patches, trainers, solutions, downloads

Cheat Codes:

General Tips:
* Remember the rewind function if you’re playing on the appropriate difficulty
level(s It can get you out of a jam at a critical momen
* If one of your character is held up, don’t pani You still have one turn to
save them, so figure out a way to knock out the guard with another character
or sneak away if you have nearby cove
* It’s best to save your credits for items even though you can level up character A lot of the programs and weapons prove more useful in a playthroug
* If you choose a rescue mission, make sure you have equipment for the characte They don’t start with weapons, so they’ll be useless until you find something for him/he
* Try to finish levels quickly, as a higher security level introduces more threat Security level 4 in particular is when things start to get really
* Don’t worry if you fail, Invisible In is meant to be replaye Just learn from your mistakes and start another campaig
* Always peak through doors before you open the There may be a guard or camera on the other side that will spot yo
* Set up an ambush attack when you know a guard is coming your wa It doesn’t cost AP and ensures a knockdow
* If you have enough PWR, unlock safe Trust me, you want the credits in

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