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Submitted by: David K.

On the outside portion of the final level (level 6) there is a single
rope. Progress to and use the rope as normal, then jump back on from
the right hand side… Rather bizarrely Rastan doesnt grab the rope,
he instead starts to rise quite rapidy straight up in the air! Stopping
atop of some hidden platform quite some way above the playfield.
You cant do a fat lot, but it is rather strange. Jumping off to the
right allows you to continue.

For cheats in this game, use the DOS utility DEBUG. First
backup your game to be edited, then type the following
from the DOS prompt:

ren rastan.dat cheater.cht
debug cheater.cht
For infinite lives, type:
e 9b2 90 90 90 90
For infinite health, type:
e 8103 90 90 90 90 eb
e 9102 0
e 8147 90 90 90 90 eb
e 910f 0
Then type:

Then rename CHEATER.CHT back to its previous name.

Kody do gier

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