How Not to Get Your Whole Village in a Wave of Depression:
Written by Eapple
So, your whole population of nuggets got depression.
Let’s talk about that.
-=Depression in The Universim=-
It happens to the best of us, you’re freshly starting a new village,
a short while after, a nugget dies of old age (or other causes if you’re
not a good God). Then another one dies. Then another. Eventually, you
realize that dying isn’t good for your nuggets’ health, both for the
deceased and the not-so-deceased ones watching their loved ones fall to
the ground with a bunch of flies over their heads. A dead nugget on the
ground is not good for the happiness of the family members, specifically
when they’re just lying on the floor with an incredibly slow cemetary to
pick them up eventually (or even no cemetary at all). At this point, the
dreaded wave of depression begins. If this hasn’t happened to you yet,
good job! You’re clearly doing something right, after all! Why are you
reading this then? Go have a cup o’ joe to commemorate yourself on this
lustrous day. If you’re not into reading, you might wanna pass on this
one. For the rest of you, let’s get right into the news.
-=Depression Matters in The Universim=-
The reason mass-depression is such a common yet devastating issue, is
because it’s incredibly easy to get sucked into it. One nugget dies, the
family gets a hit to their joy. When nuggets get more and more depressed,
they just stop reproducing, as well as the other side effects of having
reduced or completely halted their work, and slow move speed. This leads
to less productivity overall, and your whole village/tribe/town is
basically doomed to all die of old age with no children to take their
place, unless you do something about it.
-=How to Avoid the Issue=-
If you’re one of them lucky buggers who never got that cycle of depression
in their village, I still don’t know why you’re here, but maybe this part
might sound familiar (or maybe not, who knows). The #1 key factor to
avoiding the whole problem in the first place (at least as a temporary
solution), is to not let your nuggets in the beginning die from thirst
or starvation. Letting them die will kickstart a wave of depression early
if you have ~10 nuggets, and of course it has its more obvious effect of
reducing your workforce by 10%. Unfortunately you can’t save a nugget
from the disease known as aging, which is much more worrying when you
have 2-3 nuggets die around the same time from old age, which can also
be what kickstarts the depression wave over your whole population. If
you’re at this point in your game, there is almost no way to stop it,
unless you already had prior preventative measures.
Speaking of preventative measures…
-=How to Fix Their Depression=-
This one’s gonna stay short, as it doesn’t need much explaining. If you
follow a nugget who’s low on happiness for long enough, you’ll notice
that they occasionally stop whatever they’re doing to take a ball out
of god knows where (but you’re a god so you should know) and throw it
in the air, increasing their happiness. This only works for so long,
as eventually all it does is slow down their decreasing happiness. In
order to really get their happiness back up at this point, you need to
have researched recreation. However, as the lord and saviors at Crytivo
haven’t quite yet gotten it right, recreation is just slightly too far
away to research before the depression hits the population. For this
reason, you wanna skip over a lot of research for the sole purpose of
researching recreation. Once you’ve got that down, I recommend 1
business/recreational building per 10 nuggets in your population.